[Peace-discuss] this week: Congress moots Iraq/Syria AUMF...

C. G. Estabrook via Peace-discuss peace-discuss at lists.chambana.net
Tue Nov 11 21:57:07 EST 2014

It would be much better to oppose the generations-long US war for control of Mideast resources - and demand Obama's impeachment for murder, a high crime and misdemeanor. Do not give him a resolution that can be interpreted as a license for more war, however 'limited.' 

Obama's war policy is not new - he's the fourth president in a row to bomb Iraq. He's simply lied about what he's doing more than the others.

He's now bombed eight predominantly Muslim countries (two more than Bush). US goals - control of Mideast energy resources for the benefit of the 1% - remain constant.

Meanwhile, his belligerent moves in eastern Europe are if anything even more dangerous. 

One of the few US politicians who has spoken with any sense on these matters (regardless of what he has said elsewhere) is Ron Paul, who calls for bringing US troops (and mercs) home, and closing America's 1,000 overseas bases. (Russia has 11 overseas bases; China has one.)

Moves by liberals to 'restrain' Obama's war-making are at best ill-advised. To what other belligerent in last 100 years would they have given a 'new AUMF'?

In memory of Jeannette Rankin, CGE


On Nov 11, 2014, at 4:58 PM, Robert Naiman <noreply at list.moveon.org> wrote:

> Dear C. G. Estabrook,
> The U.S. military campaign against ISIS in Iraq and Syria is moving into its fourth month. Congress has been reluctant to act on its obligation to debate and vote on the new war - but that’s about to change.
> Last week, President Obama announced he would seek a new authorization for the use of military force (AUMF) in Iraq and Syria. But the AUMF the Administration is considering proposing may go further than just targeting ISIS and Al Qaeda. It may embroil us in another endless and borderless war. 
> Congress will begin considering a new AUMF very soon, with hearings in the House Armed Services Committee and Senate Foreign Relations Committee expected this week. That means we need to speak up NOW in order to influence the debate. 
> This week, a national coalition of concerned groups, including MoveOn, has called for a week of action to stop another endless US war in the Middle East. Here’s what you can do to join:
> Sign and share our petition supporting H. Con. Res. 114 (the Congressional Progressive Caucus resolution) [1] that calls for any AUMF to be narrow, prohibit US ground troops, and require reporting on diplomatic, political, and economic efforts to weaken ISIS: 
> http://www.justforeignpolicy.org/act/iraq-syria
> If you’re on Twitter or Facebook, support our coalition’s Thunderclap that will send a message on your behalf on Thursday, November 13 at noon ET: https://www.thunderclap.it/projects/18954-congress-end-endless-war
> Thanks for all you do to help limit and end wars using democracy and the rule of law,   
> Megan Iorio and Robert Naiman 
> Just Foreign Policy   
> References:
> 1. H.Con.Res.114 - Urging Congress to debate and vote on a statutory authorization for any sustained United States combat role in Iraq or Syria, https://beta.congress.gov/bill/113th-congress/house-concurrent-resolution/114/amendments 
> This message was sent to C. G. Estabrook by Robert Naiman through MoveOn's public petition website. MoveOn Political Action licensed and paid for this service, but does not endorse contents of this message. To unsubscribe or report this email as inappropriate, click here: http://petitions.moveon.org/unsub.html?i=26232-2656067-kDa3HF
> Want to make a donation? MoveOn is entirely funded by our 8 million members—no corporate contributions, no big checks from CEOs. And our tiny staff ensures that small contributions go a long way. Chip in here.

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