[Peace-discuss] FW: Beware!!! Call on Monday to Stop Fast Track.

David Johnson davidjohnson1451 at comcast.net
Sun Feb 22 23:38:56 EST 2015



From: info=nijwj.org at mail.salsalabs.net [mailto:info=nijwj.org at mail.salsalabs.net] On Behalf Of Northern Illinois Jobs With Justice
Sent: Sunday, February 22, 2015 10:19 PM
To: davidjohnson1451 at comcast.net
Subject: Beware!!! Call on Monday to Stop Fast Track.


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The vote on Fast Track for the Trans Pacific Partnership may happen in the next few days!

Do you know about  the Trans-Pacific Partnership?  If so, are you doing everything in your power to stop it?

If you don't know, start by watching this two minute video <http://afl.salsalabs.com/dia/track.jsp?v=2&c=H2TTjFodCqtHShZvzLZ3kxD8zmGLYK8%2F> .

Then Google Trans-Pacific Partnership to get more information.  Read especially the articles from  <http://afl.salsalabs.com/dia/track.jsp?v=2&c=lcnkAduV8RWoMZrrnCA1qhD8zmGLYK8%2F> Public Citizen <http://afl.salsalabs.com/dia/track.jsp?v=2&c=CIvzM6PnFUY%2BPbhcCEiDkhD8zmGLYK8%2F> .   When you understand how big a threat it poses, not just to labor rights, environmental protection, food safety, access to medicines, Internet freedom, etc., but to democracy itself, then start calling your elected officials and tell them to vote NO on Fast Track for the Trans Pacific Partnership.

If the TPP is so terrible, why would our elected officials support it? The answer is that the big corporations want it, and these days, they generally get what they want.

Proponents of the treaty acknowledge that if the American people knew what was in that treaty before the vote was taken, it could never pass.

Therefore they want Congress to pass Fast Track legislation. That's  otherwise known as Trade Promotion Authority,a legislative mechanism for ramming a trade treaty through Congress with no public hearings and no amendments. The American people would never know what hit them.

Start by calling Senator Ron Wyden of Oregon, 202-224-5244.  His vote will be a crucial tipping point for Fast Track.

Then call your two Senators.

Dick Durbin  202-224-2152 or his Chicago office 312-353-4952

Mark Kirk  202-224-2854 or his Chicago office (preferable)  312-886-3506

Then, please contact your member of Congress.  Ask them each to vote NO on Fast Track and the TPP.  You can find contact information for your Congressperson  <http://afl.salsalabs.com/dia/track.jsp?v=2&c=RG7g5OJzAcvFThiGRA3uSxD8zmGLYK8%2F>   <http://afl.salsalabs.com/dia/track.jsp?v=2&c=nb4hFhxNQ%2FIyAdrHExbxARD8zmGLYK8%2F> here.   

Of all the current  threats to our batterred  democracy  and well-being,  FAST TRACK and the TPP  may be the biggest.  Northern Illinois Jobs with Justice asks you to get informed and take action in the fight to stop them.

 <http://afl.salsalabs.com/dia/track.jsp?v=2&c=VWmLhhgqMRELyg4aTiOjTxD8zmGLYK8%2F> Click here to unsubscribe

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