[Peace-discuss] Issue Groups

Karen Aram karenaram at hotmail.com
Mon Jul 6 17:16:04 EDT 2015

My apologies for not being clear and perhaps creating a misunderstanding. 
I wish to see no reduction in either the Green Party or AWARE, but do see a need for an issue group on foreign policy for all elected representatives.
I would rather that issue group be made up of members of AWARE than others who are less apt to support our views. I also think that disseminating information on public television, and at the market, demos, etc. are good, but they still rely upon the people coming to us, rather than us going to them, and we never reach those in power. Yes, the people have the power, but we don't see many of them utilizing it with mass movements in the streets as they should, so the next step might be personally delivering information to our representatives, especially those issues coming up for a vote. That is exactly what the corporate interests hires lobbyists to do. 
My suggestion was to those of us who don't have fulltime jobs, to add this onto what we do with the Greens and AWARE, given we do the research and possess the information, its just a matter of coordinating with those elected representatives we believe might be influenced, and knowing when a vote might be taking place. 
Date: Mon, 6 Jul 2015 12:31:13 -0500
To: salevy at illinois.edu
CC: Peace-discuss at lists.chambana.net; karenaram at hotmail.com
Subject: Re: [Peace-discuss] Issue Groups
From: peace-discuss at lists.chambana.net

No, and the local Green party shouldn’t be reduced to AWARE.
AWARE’s remit has always been US war policy and its attendant racism - especially Israeli apartheid (which the US supports because of the usefulness of Israel as a ‘stationary aircraft carrier') and Islamophobia (which the US uses despite the world’s leading fundamentalist Islamic state being second only to Israel as a US client).
The Green party has broader if related goals, well-discussed over the last generation - with various conclusions reached:
"The Green Party of the United States (GPUS) is a green political party in the United States founded in 1984 as a federation of state green parties. With its founding, the Green Party of the United States became the primary national Green organization in that country, eclipsing the Greens/Green Party USA, which emphasized non-electoral movement building. The Association of State Green Parties (ASGP), a forerunner organization, first gained widespread public attention during Ralph Nader's Presidential run. At the state legislature level the party had several members elected, including in California, Maine and Arkansas. A number of Greens around the United States hold positions on the municipal level, including on school boards, city councils and as mayors. The party promotes environmentalism and social justice with policy principles in nonviolence, grassroots democracy and participatory democracy, etc…” [wikipedia]
On Jul 6, 2015, at 11:38 AM, Stuart Levy via Peace-discuss <peace-discuss at lists.chambana.net> wrote:



    Are you suggesting that AWARE, as an issue group, would be better
    off disbanding and joining our efforts with the Green Party?


    On 7/6/15 11:03 AM, C. G. Estabrook via
      Peace-discuss wrote:

      We should be clear what "we don't need a political
        party, we need issue groups” means today in C-U.

      The Urbana Liberals (for lack of a better term) are
        deathly afraid that the reconstitution of the Prairie Greens as
        a political party will mean that it will offer candidates for
        the seats currently occupied by Scott Bennet and Carol Ammons.

      And of course it should. Once those two refused to
        vote against the pro-war pro-racism SB1761, promoted by the
        Israel lobby, it was clear that the PGreens (and AWARE) can’t
        support them and be consistent with their principles. Bennet
        & Ammons will "go along to get along" with the neoliberal
        (and neocon) domination of the major parties, rather than oppose

      But if a political party can be turned away from
        what political parties do - run candidates - the threat is
        averted. “Issue groups” don’t run candidates.  —CGE


          On Jul 5, 2015, at 3:14 PM, Karen Aram <karenaram at hotmail.com> wrote:
            David Green, please send me your email address as
              for some reason it has disappeared from my address book.
              Obviously someone doesn't want us talking. :)

              Good article, appropriate.


              When Stuart made his comment at our Piketty group meeting
              last week, to the effect that "we don't need a political
              party, we need issue groups." It perked my interest and I
              wrote to him after, asking what he was referring to
              because I thought it a good idea if in relation to
              "advisory" to our representatives, using the Carol Ammons
              abstention of the BDS bill proposed, as an example of why
              we need this. 

              Stuart said he was actually just referring to AWARE and
              CUCPJ, Sierra Club, etc. In discussion by phone with him
              yesterday, I again raised the issue, saying that while I
              do think we need a political party to unify, though
              supporting good candidates of other parties is necessary,
              nonetheless perhaps advisories from within the
              constituencies of representatives is valuable. Stuart
              replied that Carol already has some but that we can
              discuss it. 


              I am in particular referring to a "foreign policy"
              advisory group, made up of the four of us, because I
              recognize that many of our representatives are focused on
              domestic issues, and there is as Karen M. L. pointed out
              last week, a lot of negotiations, and compromises taking


              My own experience is that real democracy relies upon many
              people being involved to counteract the "wealthy
              lobbyists" and the party platform pressure, so perhaps
              this is something we can and should consider.  

              If one of us is not interested then please suggest someone
              you think would be worthy and interested.


                Date: Sun, 5 Jul 2015
                16:54:17 +0000

                To: peace-discuss at lists.chambana.net

                CC: davidwilson44444 at gmail.com

                Subject: [Peace-discuss] Fw: Review of the 4th of July

                From: peace-discuss at lists.chambana.net




                        On Sunday,
                            July 5, 2015 9:16 AM, Christopher Evans <caevans2 at hotmail.com>





                                        WHAT'S THE
                                              FREQUENCY, KENNETH?
                                          by Local Yocal

                                            COUNTY- We all get it. On
                                            the Fourth of July, we give
                                            thanks for the heroic
                                            sacrifices our soldiers have
                                            made to protect our freedom.
                                            You can't argue with that

                                            watching the soldiers in
                                            uniform wave at us during
                                            the parade, it's hard to
                                            muster any pride over the
                                            10-year adventures into Iraq
                                            and Afghanistan. Can anyone
                                            point to the accomplishments
                                            Iraq and Afghanistan have
                                            been? The 9-11 terrorists
                                            appear to have spawned an
                                            Orwellian endless war
                                            draining our treasury of
                                            trillions of precious tax
                                            dollars that could have been
                                            our healthcare, jobs, and
                                            infrastructure. The enemies
                                            shift to keep the thing
                                            stoked. We're fighting the
                                            Taliban, right? Or is it Al
                                            Queda? No wait, there's a
                                            new Super Team now, right?
                                            It's called Isis? Or is it

                                          We honor those
                                              who serve and protect, who
                                              don't mind showing off the
                                              fancy equipment our tax
                                              dollars paid for. The
                                            armored trucks, the
                                            confident police officer
                                            performing amazing circles
                                            on his motorcycle while
                                            wailing his siren, the
                                            all-white color guard
                                            marching handsomely down the
                                            street with shiney
                                            old-fashioned rifles still
                                            carries the allure of a
                                            simpler, bygone day when
                                            we're no. 1. 

                                          You cannot wave
                                            at a politician without a
                                            smirk of disbelief that all
                                            is well. The fifth largest
                                            economy in the United
                                            States, the nineteenth
                                            largest economy in the
                                            entire world; which is
                                            Illinois, is about to have
                                            its government shut down
                                            because the Governor wants
                                            to reduce worker's
                                            compensation. It was fitting
                                            that the giant air balloon
                                            floats sponsored by two of
                                            the big-money-bag entities
                                            in town, The
                                              News-Gazette and
                                            Busey Bank,...deflated
                                            during the parade route and
                                            the cute, lovable character
                                            sagged and fell over. 
                                          An economic sign
                                            of things to come?

                                          Champaign County
                                            has a significant number of
                                            its citizens living in
                                            poverty. The Illinois
                                            Statistical Analysis Center
                                            lists Champaign County as
                                            having 40,484 people living
                                            at or below the poverty line
                                            in 2013, putting our poverty
                                            rate the third highest in a
                                            state of 102 counties.
                                            Watching the sweating kids
                                            of the high school marching
                                            bands, the mind wanders to
                                            the fearful prospect of what
                                            the job market is like for a
                                            high school graduate. Or how
                                            much money you need to pay
                                            tuition, room, and books for
                                            those qualified to attend a

                                          The die has been
                                            cast. Champaign County is
                                            selling its land to
                                            out-of-town investors to
                                            build the real estate (using
                                            out-of-town employees)
                                            needed for a new wave of
                                            wealthy international
                                            students attending the
                                            prestigious university.
                                            Locals need not apply. 

                                          And here is
                                            where the police step in.
                                            Protecting the precious
                                            campus from the invaders to
                                            the North of University
                                            Avenue has been perfected
                                            for decades now at The
                                            Police Training Institute
                                            that our police resemble a
                                            military unit. Police have
                                            adopted racial profiling
                                            enforcement of The Drug
                                            War. Cameras
                                              will be on and every move
                                              will be tracked. The court system
                                              punishes poor and
                                              African-Americans swiftly
                                              and heavily as possible. 

                                          Police are
                                              soldiers now. Anything can
                                              happen. Dylann Roof and
                                              Adam Lanza have proved
                                              that beyond a reasonable
                                              doubt. The parade was
                                              probably discussed as a
                                              possible target, so no
                                              police walked the parade.
                                              There were no friendly
                                              appearances from Sheriff
                                              Walsh, Chief Cobb or Chief
                                              Connolly.  They were
                                              probably stationed at a
                                              designated command central
                                              headquarters coordinating
                                              crowd patrol.

                                          It's hard to look
                                              at police nowadays in the
                                              midst of this year's round
                                              of publicity regarding
                                              police behavior. Across
                                              the 18,000 police
                                              departments nationwide, 3
                                              citizens are killed every
                                              day by the police. Most of
                                              the slain people are
                                              unarmed, most are
                                              African-American. We have
                                              The Toto Kaiyewu Slaying,
                                              and The Kiwane Carrington
                                              Murder to remind us how
                                              jumpy police have become
                                              toward African-Americans.
                                              The police presence at the
                                              parade tests your faith as
                                              to whether these guys are
                                              really on our side. Like
                                              wishing Big Bird was real,
                                              you want to hope police
                                              are the good guys. Another
                                              newspaper arrives to say

                                          Fourth of July
                                            in Champaign County, (as
                                            will be the case with the
                                            Champaign County Fair,) is a
                                            stark reminder that this is
                                            a segregated culture and
                                            those in charge with money
                                            will decide what our culture
                                            will be. Few churches
                                            entered a float in the
                                            parade, few civic clubs, and
                                            fewer still were grassroots
                                            movements of people
                                            advocating for a better
                                            America. The parade leaned
                                            toward a show of force. 

                                          A four year-old
                                            walked off the curb and
                                            joined the parade with the
                                            Green Party.
                                          A flicker of
                                            hope remained.  






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