[Peace-discuss] Perfidious Democrats (in Illinois, as elsewhere)

Karen Aram karenaram at hotmail.com
Thu Jul 9 22:30:38 EDT 2015

A perfect example as to why we need the Green Party.
> Date: Thu, 9 Jul 2015 21:18:03 -0500
> To: peace-discuss at anti-war.net
> CC: sf-core at yahoogroups.com; occupyCU at lists.chambana.net
> Subject: [Peace-discuss] Perfidious Democrats (in Illinois, as elsewhere)
> From: peace-discuss at lists.chambana.net
> I've just come from a 'Joint Town Hall' rally with Illinois state senator Scott Bennett & state representative Carol Ammons. They blamed the wretched Governor Rauner for the state's budget impasse. In fact, it's entirely in the Democrats' hands. (Bennett & Ammons are both Democrats.) 
> As Paul Mueth pointed out at the meeting, the Democrats have veto-proof majorities in both houses. They could pass a budget and the taxes - primarily a financial-transactions tax (HB 106) - necessary to fund it. 
> Ammons replied that not all those Democrat votes can be counted on. Thus the Democrats can have it both ways - they can say that they're in favor of the spending and the taxes, but then allow enough no votes so that they won't pass.    
> The same thing happened with Speaker Madigan's 'millionaires' tax.' In both cases the Democrats can tell the public they're interested in solving the problem - and then quietly show their 1% donors that they won't do it.
> —CGE
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