[Peace-discuss] FW: [ufpj-activist] US aid to Vietnam for Agent Orange, opening the door to US militarism, conflict with China & Russia as well as the Asian Pivot

Karen Aram karenaram at hotmail.com
Wed Mar 25 18:30:35 EDT 2015

Please read below by Kevin Zeese:

Subject: [ufpj-activist] US aid to Vietnam for Agent Orange, opening the door to US militarism, conflict with China & Russia as well as the Asian Pivot

After 50 years the US is finally funding Agent Orange clean-up and aid to people suffering the consequences of the US war crime of Agent Orange ecocide. The US military is trying to pull Vietnam into the Asian Pivot, create conflicts between Vietnam and China as well as divide Vietnam and Russia. Agent Orange has been a sticking point preventing them from achieving those objectives. The US funding of the legacy of war issues (Agent Orange clean-up and helping the victims of the toxin) was essential to achieve those three objectives.  The notorious USAID is central to this effort. They have a very large operation in Vietnam, not just on Agent Orange. The National Endowment for Democracy, also a well-known regime change agency, is also active in Vietnam. There are already suspicions that they have organized large anti-China protests in Vietnam.
Please share this article so people can be better informed about what is going on in Vietnam. This is very likely the beginning of Vietnam War 2.0.  While there are major conflicts in the Middle East and Ukraine, we need to speak out against the Asian Pivot and US militarism in Vietnam as well as concerns about the roles of USAID and NED.  If the goal is to prevent war and militarism, we should urge Vietnam to stay away from the US military, demand reparations paid directly to Vietnam and kick out USAID and NED. 
It is sick that the US is using a war crime committed in the last Vietnam War to stoke conflict with China and create the next war for Vietnam. It is right up there with putting disease on blankets to kill indigenous peoples.
Agent Orange Funding Opens Door To US Militarism And Covert Action In Vietnam

Is the United States finally accepting responsibility for the devastating ongoing effects of Agent Orange in Vietnam, or is this funding just a way to get USAID in the door to meddle in the country’s affairs as part of Obama’s “Asian Pivot” strategy? MintPress News investigates.http://www.mintpressnews.com/agent-orange-funding-opens-door-to-us-militarism-and-covert-action-in-vietnam/203634/ 
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