[Peace-discuss] The Pentagon bullies: Meet Roger Helbig

David Johnson davidjohnson1451 at comcast.net
Wed Sep 16 22:47:44 EDT 2015




The Pentagon bullies: Meet Roger Helbig


lies-meet-roger-helbig/>  . by Travellerev

It seems that in my attempts to bring the real horror that is Depleted
Uranium to my readers I picked up a piece of shit under my virtual shoes.
This piece of trash goes by the name of Roger Helbig. Roger Helbig is a
retired Airforce Lt Col. Roger Helbig has made it is lives work to bully
people like me into silence about Depleted Uranium. 
He started commenting on my depleted Uranium posts
he-green-party-leadership/>  within 24 hours after the first publication. I
did not know because his name is so notorious that Askimet puts his rants in
the spam filter straight away. Only when I checked the filter did I find
out. I googled his name and this is what some of my all time heroes have to
say about him. Doug Rokke Phd is a specialist in DU and is now dying of DU
contamination and one of the Key people in the ongoing strugle to stop the
use of DU responded to accusations of Helbig as follows
<http://www.axisoflogic.com/cgi-bin/exec/view.pl?archive=137&num=16798> .
Another one of my heroes Felicity Arbuthnot has this
sent_helbig_after_me>  to say about Roger Helbig.
To be honest I don't know if I should feel flattered because I have been
grouped with people I consider to be heroes or scared shitless because this
piece of Pentagon filth can find my blog within 24 hours.

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