[Peace-discuss] Proposed flyer for 8/6 demo, downtown Champaign 2-4pm

C. G. Estabrook cge at shout.net
Fri Aug 5 23:47:09 UTC 2016

[text - recto]

The Anti-War Anti-Racism Effort of Champaign-Urbana

The U.S. government is waging illegal wars around the world
and secretly twisting the international economy via ‘trade pacts’
(TPP, TTIP) for the benefit of less than 1% of the U.S. population.

Join our demonstration the first Saturday of every month,
at the intersection of Church and Neil in Champaign, 2-4pm

Meet with us Saturdays at the Urbana Farmers’ Market (Lincoln 
Square) for books, bumper stickers, literature, and conversation

Watch our weekly Urbana Public Television (channel 6) program 
“AWARE on the Air” (also on YouTube), and/or join us at noon Tuesdays
in the Urbana City Council Chambers for the live unrehearsed recordings 

We meet Sundays at 5pm at Cafeteria & Company, 208 W. Main, Urbana;
new members welcome: for information write us at <aware at anti-war.net>

President Obama is making war in eight countries;
he is sending U.S. ‘special forces’ into more than 3/4 of the 
countries around the world; he has assassinated thousands
by drone - the most extreme terrorist campaign of modern
times; and he is provoking war with Russia and China.

Contact the president (202-456-1111) and our representatives in Congress (202-224-3121):
tell them to end the wars and drone attacks, cut military spending by at least half, bring the
troops home, and close the U.S. military’s 1,000 foreign bases; stop U.S. support for - and 
arms sales to - human rights abusers like Israel, and lead on global nuclear disarmament. 

	President Barack Obama - <http://www.whitehouse.gov/contact/submit-questions-and-comments>
	Senator Dick Durbin - <http://www.durbin.senate.gov/contact/email>
	Senator Mark Kirk - <http://www.kirk.senate.gov/?p=comment_on_legislation>
	Representative Rodney Davis - <https://rodneydavis.house.gov/contact/email-me>

[text -verso]


	On his visit to Hiroshima last May, Obama did not, as some had vainly hoped he might, apologize for the August 6, 1945 atomic bombing of the city. Instead he gave a high-sounding speech against war. He did this as he was waging ongoing drone war against people in faraway countries - and approving plans to spend a trillion dollars upgrading the U.S. nuclear arsenal. He is the only president to make war throughout two presidential terms.
	The atom bombs were not dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki ‘to save lives by ending the war’. That was an official lie. The bombs were dropped to see how they worked and to show the world that the United States possessed overwhelming destructive power.
	Like the Vietnamese villages we destroyed ‘in order to save them’, like the countless Iraqi children who died as a result of U.S. sanctions, like the millions of people whom Bush and Obama killed in MENA (the Mideast and North Africa), the hundreds of thousands of agonizing men, women, and children in two Japanese cities remain on the debit side of the United States accounts with humanity, unpaid and unpunished.

	Nearly five years after the Libyan city of Sirte was left in ruins following hundreds of NATO bombing raids and heavy fighting in the 2011 campaign to oust Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi - illegally launched by President Obama and Secretary of State Clinton - the Pentagon announced on August 1, 2016, a major new U.S. military escalation against ISIS fighters who have reportedly made Sirte their prime Libyan stronghold.
	The Pentagon said that U.S. airstrikes were already underway and further raised eyebrows by adding that the air campaign did not have “an end point at this particular moment in time.” These attacks are illegal under international law and the U.S. Constitution, but they are consistent with the long-term U.S. policy, stretching back into the last century through several administrations, Republican and Democratic alike.
	The U.S. government has been killing people in the Mideast for decades, in order to control the regions’s vast energy resources. The U.S. doesn’t need oil from the Mideast, but Mideast gas and oil are needed by America’s economic competitors in Europe and Asia, and so control over them gives the U.S. a major  advantage over China, Germany, and other countries; that control benefits only the American economic elite - the one percent - and not Americans in general, who’ve seen wealth concentrate in fewer and fewer hands at an accelerating rate throughout the Clinton, Bush and Obama administrations.  
	The conduct of President Obama (and of probable future President Clinton) is consistent with this horrible record. President Obama was elected with the support of those who thought he would end the wars started by the Bush administration. Instead he attacked eight countries. (George Bush attacked six.) Obama’s drone assassinations (the New York Times says he chooses the targets himself, from lists prepared by the CIA) have killed thousands of civilians (not just the hundreds he admits to), including U.S. citizens and hundreds of children. It has been called the most extreme terrorist campaign of modern times - targeting people suspected of perhaps intending to harm us some day, and any unfortunates who happen to be nearby...

“Turns out I'm really good at killing people,” Obama said quietly. “Didn't know that was gonna be a strong suit of mine” 
--from Mark Halperin & John Heilemann, DOUBLE DOWN: GAME CHANGE 2012


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