[Peace-discuss] Behind the scenes

Karen Aram karenaram at hotmail.com
Mon Dec 5 00:11:48 UTC 2016

Kissinger whom I detest for his “wars and destruction of Chile, Cambodia, Laos just to name a couple, at least takes a “sit down and talk with the all powerful", like China and Russia. Kissinger was just in Beijing speaking with, and attempting to cement relations, with Xi Jinping, as a Representative of Trump.” Kissinger did this in 1969 with Zhou Enlai, and it was effective in reducing tensions as a result of CIA incursions and subversion, when Zhou let him know that China knew exactly what the USG was doing. That lasted a few years, as the CIA then turned their attention to Thailand, surrounding SE Asian nations and Latin America, beginning with Chile.

Zbigniew Brzezinski is now, hopefully, out of the picture as an influence. He has been advising Obama, as he once did Reagan, and Carter. ZB is responsible for Carter arming the Taliban and creating Al Qaeda, Nato on the border of Russia, and our nuclear armed battleships in the S.China Sea.

The choice of Gen. Michael Flynn as NSA advisor by Trump is a progressive step in relation to “China and Russia”. Will we have peace in the “mena, or mideast, north africa” region? I doubt it, I think the US policy of plunder, and destroy, will continue unabated, given that has been the plan since the late 40’s if not the 1890’s..

So perhaps WW3 has been averted, for now, but I have no doubt the game plan will continue. Until Nato is removed from the borders of Russia, until US battleships are removed from the S. China Sea, and most of our 400 military bases removed surrounding China, I won't breathe a sign of relief.

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