[Peace-discuss] War and propaganda

Karen Aram karenaram at hotmail.com
Thu Dec 15 18:34:37 UTC 2016

Anyone who isn't a skeptic of the US media and US government, after the lies of the Vietnam War, the interventions in Latin America, Iraq, and "weapons of mass destruction", Afghanistan and our arming the Taliban turned Al Quada, now all combined as ISIS with maybe a few former sincere Syrian rebels now probably dead, at the hands of ISIS., with our support for arming the so called “moderate terrorists,” and Libya.  Really needs to look at our history if only the past fifteen years. Look at what we did to Libya. The US military has approximately 1,000 military bases around the world, with 400 of those surrounding China, while China has how many military bases surrounding the US? That's right, none.

NATO which is funded primarily by the US, with even Europe fed up with them because they aren’t serving European needs, only US hegemony by surrounding Russia, and other nations throughout Eastern Europe and the Balkans.

Oh and yes, Victoria Nuland our Asst. Sec. of State in Kiev during the "uprising" which brought about regime change and many deaths, being overheard saying 'F.... the EU" because they weren't proceeding fast enough in support of the US orchastrated coup against the Ukranian govt. Evidence of US involvement which couldn't be denied, so CNN had to mention it, many times, emphasizing a diplomat using the F word. Never focusing on the substance of the statement, rather like Hillary’s emails, distract in order to divert attention from the substance/proof.

Our support for arming the so called “moderate terrorists”, and the destruction of Libya is so obvious, one must take anything our media says with a grain of salt.

In respect to Syria, Russian intervention is legal unlike the US intervention with weapons, funding, and our “ advisors",  I personally don't support the Russian invasion, going back to the Spanish Civil War, if a rebel at that time I wouldn't have liked the German intervention and bombings on those of us who were rebels either Spanish or other. It is a "moral" delema. However I am not Syrian, I am not Russian, I am "American" responsible for what "my" government is doing. If I had been German during the Spanish Civil War, I would have been demonstrating against the German government intervention. Just as I would have been against anything the German government did, not that which Poland or Russia was doing.
If Russia has saved lives in Syria I am pleased to note that, if the US saved lives that would be nice but hey, they keep supplying weapons, support and “ military advisors" to those we are supposed to be fighting, that is ISIS.

Leftists telling me that I need to support "international socialism" and protest against Russia, by supporting the Obama and Bush administrations with their propaganda, provocations, and war policies against Russia is absurd.

Having lived out of the country for at least 28 years I'm also aware that the "International Socialist" movement has a long way to go before they are able to do anything let alone "think about war or war policies", which is the same situation here in the US. Our working class and working classes the world over currently need to be working, they needs jobs, pensions and decent wages, They need shelter and health care,  not political discussions regarding geopolitics that open them up to being pawns of the elites they are supposed to be opposing. Most of all they need unions to provide the power and opportunity to unite. Unions that haven’t been bought off by management.

RT.com<http://rt.com/> does have a bias, does anyone not? However, it provides the most accurate assessment of geopolitical events by, Russians? No, on occasion, but most of it is coming from Americans, and Europeans, who are either seasoned journalists who have had boots on the ground, or former US and British Intelligence Officers, of various different depts. of their respective governments. They are concerned over what they see and know is so dangerous and disturbing that they are willing to be ostracized by their own for telling the truth.

These journalists and commentators reports comply with books written by: Noam Chomsky, Tim Weiner’s “Legacy of Ashes/Inside the CIA, Nick Turse with his “Changing Face of Empire”, Lawrence Shoup&Wm. Minter’s “Imperial Brain Trust” and "Wall Street’s Think Tank”, then read Zbigniew’s 1997 “The Grand Chess Board” which is quite clear as to US goals of imperialism, not his most recent which requires between the lines analysis. There are so many books available which support what we are hearing and seeing now in Syria.

I haven’t even mentioned the fact that we have approximately 1,000 military bases around the world, and Africom dominating Africa, a nation we are intent on controlling with continued bloodshed.
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