[Peace-discuss] News Gazette: Good Riddance to Wise {sic!} & Her " Principles on Which We Stand at the University of Illiniwaks"

Boyle, Francis A fboyle at illinois.edu
Fri Dec 23 17:45:47 UTC 2016

Thanks to Wise {sic!} all the anti-Palestinian Bigots and Racists came out of the woodwork on campus and in town. And she single-handedly gutted our Native American Studies Department. A Two-'Fer for Bigotry and Racism. Way to go Phyllis! Glad to see you go! Take your Bigotry and your Racism with you! Fab.
The Principles on Which We Stand
At the University of Illiniwaks:
The Cult of Chief Illiniwak
Long Live Chief Illiniwak!
Our Official Honored and Revered Symbol
For the University of Illiniwaks
And Illiniwaks all over the world!

Illiniwak Pride!
Illiniwak Fever!
The Daily Illiniwak
Illiniwaks Yearbooks

Illiniwaks Homecoming
Our Redskin Tradition
Eagle Feathers too

Illiniwak Stadium
Our  Illiniwakettes
Our Fighting Illiniwaks
Illiniwak Cheerleaders

Our Marching Illiniwaks Band
Our  Famous 3 in 1 Illiniwak Spectacle
Dumb! Dumb! Dumb! Dumb!
Oskee! Bow! Wow!

Just Honoring American Indians
Not demeaning anyone
Nor meaning them too
All  very civil
How White of us all!

The University of Illiniwaks
Dumb! Dumb! Dumb! Dumb!
And racists to boot
Genocidaires too

So very educational
The Cult of Chief Illiniwak
Anthro 101
A required course
To get our degrees
>From the University of Illiniwaks
Oskee! Bow! Wow! Forever!


Francis A. Boyle
Law Building
504 E. Pennsylvania Ave.
Champaign, IL 61820 USA
217-333-7954 (phone)
217-244-1478 (fax)
fboyle at law.uiuc.edu<mailto:fboyle at law.uiuc.edu>
(personal comments only)

From: dorinda moreno [mailto:fuerzamundial at gmail.com]
Sent: Saturday, December 29, 2007 4:01 PM
To: Los Angeles
Subject: The Racist Mascot: Why You Should Still Boo Illinois at the Rose Bowl on Jan. 1, 2008

please support this with action at the rose bowl, and forward widely. thanks, dm

-----Original Message-----
From: Boyle, Francis
Sent: Saturday, December 29, 2007 3:05 PM

To: nytr at olm.blythe-systems.com<mailto:nytr at olm.blythe-systems.com>
Subject: FW: [NYTr] The Racist Mascot: Why You Should Still Boo Illinois
at the Rose Bowl on Jan. 1, 2008

Francis A. Boyle
Law Building
504 E. Pennsylvania Ave.
Champaign, IL 61820 USA
217-333-7954 (phone)
217-244-1478 (fax)

fboyle at law.uiuc.edu<mailto:fboyle at law.uiuc.edu>
(personal comments only)

-----Original Message-----
From: Boyle, Francis
Sent: Saturday, December 29, 2007 3:05 PM
To: '

AALSMIN-L at lists.ubalt.edu<mailto:AALSMIN-L at lists.ubalt.edu>'
Subject: [NYTr] The Racist Mascot: Why You Should Still Boo Illinois at
the Rose Bowl on Jan. 1, 2008

-----Original Message-----
From: All the News That Doesn't Fit [

mailto:nytr at blythe-systems.com]
To: undisclosed-recipients
Subject: [NYTr] The Racist Mascot: Why You Should Still Boo Illinois

Via NY Transfer News Collective  *  All the News that Doesn't Fit

[Imagine that on game days everything remains exactly the same except
that the Rabbi itself has since been "retired" from "performing" at

The Racist Mascot from Urbana-Champaign:

Why You Should Still Boo Illinois


The self-styled "Fighting Illini" of the University of Illinois at
Urbana-Champaign are on their way to the Jan. 1, 2008  Rose Bowl   with

racist and genocidal mascot and symbol Chief Illiniwak still in
tow.  Although the NCAA  forced the University of Illiniwaks to
prevent this Little Red Sambo from desecrating at half-times
everything American Indians hold dear and treasure, nevertheless Chief

Illiniwak still remains the officially designated "honored symbol" of
the University of Illiniwaks at Urbana-Champaign. Just recently the
University of Illiniwaks resurrected Chief Illiniwak for the Fall 2007

Homecoming in order to better  milk their  Alumni/ae as part of their
newly launched Capital Campaign, thus definitively  proving their craven
racism. In his "Year 501: The
Conquest Continues" (1993) Noam Chomsky suggests an apt metaphor for

such American Indian sports  mascots and symbols that I will
elaborate upon here in order to conform to our local and most peculiar
rites on this campus:

Suppose the Nazis had won the Second World War. Sixty years later, a

prestigious German state university has a mascot for all of its
sports teams and sports fans by the name of "The Rabbi." Basically what
happens is that a student from the  Hitler Youth  League dresses up in

an authentic costume for an Hasidic Rabbi, complete with the curl-locks
and beard. The  University itself   collectively call themselves "The
Fighting Jews", and the school's band is called "The Marching Jews."

The student newspaper is called "The Daily Jew."   All the sports fans
in town wear jackets and t-shirts with pictures of The Rabbi prominently
displayed on them. And most cars have Rabbi stickers planted all over

them.  Three  years   ago the University's Board of Trustees ran out of
town on a rail a courageous and principled Chancellor who had the
temerity to publicly suggest that the time had now come to "retire" the

Rabbi. So of course there  was   a heated campaign on among the students
and alumni to "Save the Rabbi!"

This German state university plays its soccer matches over at the
Nuremberg Stadium in front of an audience of about 75,000 White Aryans ,

almost all of whom are wearing pro-Rabbi images and clothes. At
half-time the Marching Jews take to the stadium floor and begin playing
what they purport to be Jewish sounding music along the lines of
Fiddler-on-the-Roof. Then all 75,000 White Aryans rise as one and shout

in unison: "Rabbi, Rabbi, Rabbi, Rabbi" gesticulating wildly and working
themselves up into a feeding frenzy. One lone faculty member sits there
in protest shouting "Racist Rabbi!" and everyone in the vicinity

proceeds to throw garbage at him.

Finally, the moment these ardent White Aryans have all waited for has
arrived. The Rabbi runs out onto the arena floor from among the
Marching Jews, proceeds to the center of the Nuremberg Stadium, and

dances the Hava Nagila while the Marching Jews play on and march into
an intricately choreographed maneuver that they all brag about and take
special pride in that culminates with the band being organized into a

swastika. So the Rabbi continues to dance the Hava Nagila while the
Marching Jews form themselves into a swastika. By now all 75,000 White
Aryans are hysterical, shouting, screaming and yelling: "Rabbi, Rabbi,

Rabbi." This semi-religious spectacle that the Nazis are well known for
staging, especially at the Nuremberg stadium, goes on for a good
twenty minutes. It all concludes with everyone joining hands to sing

"Deutschland, Deutschland Uber Alles," with the Rabbi leading all
75,000 White Aryans in the song. Then the Rabbi proceeds to dance the
Hava Nagila out of the stadium followed by the Marching Jews. Everyone

goes wild, clapping and cheering. This Rabbi ceremony brings tears to
the eyes of many drunken alumni and students who had started several
hours beforehand getting inebriated on schnapps and good German beer at

pre-game tailgate parties.

When it is all over, a visiting law professor from another country asks
his host at the soccer match what this spectacle was all about. Without
missing a beat the former Dean Mengele of the Law School turns to his

guest and says:"We are honoring the Jews." Whom the Nazis had just
exterminated 60 years ago, so of course the memory of the Jews needs to
be honored by this spectacle. The Illiniwek Indians were ethnically

cleansed out of Illinois about a century before that. These are the real
"Little Eichmans." Be sure to "boo!" and root against the Illiniwaks.

Historically, the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, its Boards

of Trustees, its Presidents, its Chancellors, its Provosts, its Deans,
Directors and Department Heads, and most of its Faculty and Alumni/ae
have  always been the Ku Klux Klan dressed up in Caps and Gowns instead

of Hoods and Sheets.

[Francis A. Boyle is Professor of Law at the University of Illinois.]


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