[Peace-discuss] Killer Koh & Illinois Nazi Law Faculty v. 4 Arrested Enacting Nativity Scene @ Hancock Drone Base

Boyle, Francis A fboyle at illinois.edu
Fri Dec 23 22:14:24 UTC 2016

Francis A. Boyle
Law Building
504 E. Pennsylvania Ave.
Champaign IL 61820 USA
217-333-7954 (phone)
217-244-1478 (fax)
(personal comments only)
@ Hancock Drone Base

Subject: 4 Arrested Enacting Nativity Scene @ Hancock Drone Base


23 December 2016

Contact: Ann Tiffany (315) 478-4571 home- Syracuse, NY

Mary Anne Grady Flores (607) 280-8797 Ithaca

upstatedroneaction.org <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__upstatedroneaction.org_&d=DQMFaQ&c=8hUWFZcy2Z-Za5rBPlktOQ&r=iioab8BLQ6IJxt-3gLhYzf1aAvTbGVgzPJj9W_0ugn0&m=Bq8KkF9mUmuR3tdgxbN36s_FCrqaDy_rXZReCaOYxHg&s=aBqWSLLvvW8NH5XA_uXc3qbBowsRNlSb8wamnOGqzqE&e=> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QPISvGa-Zfk<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__mailtrack.io_trace_link_bc9c1721c8579837c37fa5180eafa9ec554d0df7-3Furl-3Dhttps-253A-252F-252Fwww.youtube.com-252Fwatch-253Fv-253DQPISvGa-2DZfk-26signature-3D0a4c62691530f000&d=DQMFaQ&c=8hUWFZcy2Z-Za5rBPlktOQ&r=iioab8BLQ6IJxt-3gLhYzf1aAvTbGVgzPJj9W_0ugn0&m=Bq8KkF9mUmuR3tdgxbN36s_FCrqaDy_rXZReCaOYxHg&s=k1AM_ZPBUi-AbKSDelCMNzgvY0K4SwiCGBtpzrPOukw&e=>


Syracuse, NY - On Friday, December 23, four activists were arrested at the main entrance of Hancock Air National Guard Base. Many throughout the world prepare to celebrate the birth of Jesus, the Prince of Peace from Palestine.  Upstate Drone Action<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__upstatedroneaction.org_&d=DQMFaQ&c=8hUWFZcy2Z-Za5rBPlktOQ&r=iioab8BLQ6IJxt-3gLhYzf1aAvTbGVgzPJj9W_0ugn0&m=Bq8KkF9mUmuR3tdgxbN36s_FCrqaDy_rXZReCaOYxHg&s=aBqWSLLvvW8NH5XA_uXc3qbBowsRNlSb8wamnOGqzqE&e=> members engaged in civil resistance by setting up a nativity scene at the main entrance of Hancock Reaper Drone Base. Angels and carolers played a supporting role from across the street. The base is located on East Molloy Road in the town of DeWitt, E. Syracuse New York.

Hancock hosts the 174th Attack Wing of the NY Air National Guard – the MQ9 Reaper drone hub.  Hancock is also the national Reaper maintenance training center.

The MQ9 Reaper is a robotic, satellite-linked, remote assassin drone. Hancock drone pilots fly unmanned missions over Afghanistan and other Middle Eastern, African and West Asian nations. The CIA uses Reapers for its illegal lethal missions over Northwest Pakistan.

According to “LIVING UNDER DRONES<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__chrgj.org_wp-2Dcontent_uploads_2012_10_Living-2DUnder-2DDrones.pdf&d=DQMFaQ&c=8hUWFZcy2Z-Za5rBPlktOQ&r=iioab8BLQ6IJxt-3gLhYzf1aAvTbGVgzPJj9W_0ugn0&m=Bq8KkF9mUmuR3tdgxbN36s_FCrqaDy_rXZReCaOYxHg&s=9aAu61gVtk-tPBHsZe5L0lBG1DP-MeTmBxZ88MskYUw&e=>: Death, Injury and Trauma to Civilians from US Drone Practices in Pakistan,” published by Stanford University and New York University Law Schools, such missions are responsible in that region for the deaths of hundreds of noncombatants, including women and children, and for the terrorizing of thousands more.

Mary (Bev Rice), being handcuffed, noted that “If Herod had a Reaper, Jesus, Mary, and Joseph would have been been incinerated.” Joseph (John Amadon), also arrested, noted, “The indiscriminate and illegal killings of so many holy families in the Middle East must stop!”

Today’s civil resistance action is one chapter in Upstate Drone Action’s six-year scrupulously nonviolent campaign to expose the Hancock AFB war crime. Since 2010 there have been over 170 anti-Reaper arrests at Hancock.

Those arrested today:

                        ~ John Amidon, Albany, NY, (518) 312-6442 cell

                        ~ Ed Kinane, Syracuse, NY, (315) 478-4571 home

                        ~ Jules Orkin, Bergenfield, NJ, (201)566-8403 cell

                        ~ Bev Rice, New York, NY., (646) 335-2404 cell



Mary Anne Grady Flores
Ithaca, NY 14850 1-607-280-8797
Ithaca Catholic Workers  /  Los Obreros Catolicos de Ithaca

"If you think one person can't be effective, you've never been
in bed with a mosquito" -War Resister's League
"Si usted piensa que una persona no puede ser eficaz, nunca
he estado en la cama con un mosquito" Liga de Opositores de Guerra

"Protest beyond the law is not a departure from democracy; it is absolutely
essential to it"   Howard Zinn (1922-2010)
"La protesta más allá de la ley no se aparta de la democracia, es
absolutamente esencial para que" Howard Zinn (1922-2010)

“To be hopeful in bad times is not just foolishly romantic.  It is based on the fact that human history is a history not only of cruelty, but also of compassion, sacrifice, courage, kindness...
What we choose to emphasize in this complex history will determine our lives. If we see only the worst, it destroys our capacity to do something.  If we remember those times and places—and there are so many—where people have behaved magnificently, this gives us the energy to act and at least the possibility of sending this spinning top of a world in a different direction...And if we do act, in however small a way, we don't have to wait for some grand utopian future.  The future is an infinite succession of presents and to live now as we think human beings should live, in defiance of all that is bad around us, is itself a marvelous victory."  -- Howard Zinn

Aljazeer a- look it up on line
The Guardian <http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/gaza<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.guardian.co.uk_world_gaza&d=DQMFaQ&c=8hUWFZcy2Z-Za5rBPlktOQ&r=iioab8BLQ6IJxt-3gLhYzf1aAvTbGVgzPJj9W_0ugn0&m=Bq8KkF9mUmuR3tdgxbN36s_FCrqaDy_rXZReCaOYxHg&s=Hp5G-lEwozVEkkjFMmkLIDAtDDya5vpn07FDsZdYC8U&e=>

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