[Peace-discuss] The humanitarians in Urbana, Illinois won, in 1986 and again in 2016.

Karen Aram karenaram at hotmail.com
Tue Dec 27 18:28:04 UTC 2016

Okay, I’ve reduced it by about 550 words. It’s in the now required 250 words ballpark for the NG. Any suggestions welcomed.

In the 1980’s refugee’s from Guatemala, Nicaragua, and El Salvador were coming to the US as a result of the USG interventions in their nations, as a result of our “special forces” invading, torturing and murdering.

> In 1986 the INS granted political asylum to less than 3 percent of the hundreds of thousands of Salvadorans who applied, with over 4,800 refugees returned to El Salvador, with at least 50 of those returned, turning up on the lists of victims killed by security forces or death squads; and thousands of Guatemalans tortured and/or murdered by security forces under government control.

> Thus a group of anti-war activists residing in Urbana, Illinois, initiated a “Sanctuary City” Resolution, in order to protect the undocumented nationals arriving here from those nations and in spite of opposition from the local Nazi Party, the local KKK, and a death threat if he showed up, at the Urbana City Council meeting, Law Professor Francis Boyle, argued on behalf of the Resolution, and it passed. 

> Again, in December 2016 Professor Boyle, minus death threats, showed up to argue on behalf of a “revised” Resolution. Revised because now it needed to be “all inclusive,”  given  our continuing wars and interventions, throughout the Middle East and North Africa.

> Many come here for economic reasons, but when a  nation is destroyed, chaos ensues leaving the infrastructure and businesses damaged, causing unemployment.
> For those concerned with obedience to Federal “law,” I suggest we look at our government who has been breaking our laws, with their continuing “crimes against humanity”. 

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