[Peace-discuss] The Psychological Research That Helps Explain the Election

David Green davegreen84 at yahoo.com
Wed Dec 28 14:55:18 UTC 2016

Alternatively, maybe people just know when they're being screwed.
The field of cognitive psychology has for some time seemed to me to be infested by Israelis/Zionists who land at prestigious American universities. Perhaps not by accident. You need a lot of smart Jewish people to find complicated ways to explain the world in ways that are free from political and economic analysis. I think you could generate a whole psychological "theory" about how liberal Israelis, in denial of what is going on around them, develop elaborate approaches to the human mind, many of which seem to me to be trivial or bogus.

    On Tuesday, December 27, 2016 10:50 PM, "Szoke, Ron via Peace-discuss" <peace-discuss at lists.chambana.net> wrote:


From:"Szoke, Ron" <r-szoke at illinois.edu>
Subject:The Psychological Research That Helps Explain the Election
Date:December 27, 2016 at 3:37:09 PM CST
To:"Szoke, Ron" <r-szoke at illinois.edu>

The Psychological Research That Helps Explain the Election

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