[Peace-discuss] anti-Semitism

Mildred O'brien moboct1 at aim.com
Mon Dec 4 12:41:02 UTC 2017


I think you cast your net too far.  The success of getting Britain to endorse the Balfour Declaration was alleged to be due to the assurance of Chaim Weizmann that he could convince American Jews (but most were opposed) to persuade the U.S. to enter World War I on the side of Britain.

M. O'Brien

-----Original Message-----
From: Stephen Francis <stephenf1113 at yahoo.com>
To: Mildred O'brien <moboct1 at aim.com>; peace-discuss <peace-discuss at peace-discuss.net>
Sent: Sun, Dec 3, 2017 1:53 pm
Subject: Re: [Peace-discuss] anti-Semitism

Finally, a refreshing and informative post on the reality of British Zionism and Palestine...a number of telling rabbit holes can be descended into from this perspective.
Just to be brief, this conjures up mention of the British origins of Fabianism, the London School of Economics, Chatham House, the Roundtable, Alfred Milner and the Rothschilds.... and their conquest of resources to fuel the raging Industrial Revolution (late 1800s).
There is a credible theory that British Zionists and the Crown were the main force behind bringing about the existence of Israel and Middle East oil ....not a homeland for the Jews... was the impetus...the British and the willing Zionist interlocuters needed a credible excuse that cloaked their real intentions and the Jewish Problem fit the bill.

and...The Crown needed a new source of income also, after being chased out of China because of their successful attempt to addict millions of Chinese on opium.

A different but related Rabbit whole is Marxism... Karl Marx (according to Michael Hoffman) once referred to Moses Hess as his rabbi. ... his works /with Engels... Communist Manifesto and Das Kapital were written in London where he spent most of his life....and was supported by British Zionists...this would all lead to the Cold War via the Jewish Bolshevik Revolution.... which is no longer a conspiracy that it was a Jewish operation...
What was the Jewish role in 1917 Russian Revolution? This Moscow museum gives a full picture.

What was the Jewish role in 1917 Russian Revolution? This Moscow museum giv...
By By Cnaan Liphshiz
(JTA) — Of all the many loaded issues tied to the bloody history of Jews in the former Soviet Union, none is as ...

It was mostly Jewish spies that gave nuclear weapon secrets to the Soviet Union....too big a subject to tackle here.
How can such a small population of people cause so much harm?

On Sunday, December 3, 2017 12:35 PM, Mildred O'brien <moboct1 at aim.com> wrote:

Do not overlook (like many defenders of government policy of Israel like to do) that Arabs are Semites, having also descended from the Sumerian, Abraham of Mesopotamia.  Being "anti-Semitic" logically includes being anti-Arabic, most of whom today are Muslim although some contemporary Arabs descend from the first Christians.  The term that describes Israeli militiantism towards Palestinians (both Christian and Islamist) is Zionism, a political movement originated among some Jews in Britain in 1873 by Theodore Herzl to reclaim Palestine as THE home of the Jews and promoted one hundred years ago by the Balfour Declaration. 

M. O'Brien

-----Original Message-----
From: Stephen Francis via Peace-discuss <peace-discuss at lists.chambana.net>
To: peace-discuss <peace-discuss at lists.chambana.net>; Stephen Francis <stephenf1113 at yahoo.com>
Sent: Sat, Dec 2, 2017 8:54 am
Subject: [Peace-discuss] anti-Semitism

I've become an avid researcher of Jewish history because of all the accusations of being racist and anti Semitic. I want to understand my claims...and it's been fascinating and unfortunately only deepened my distrust and dislike of the whole Jewish experience.

There is credible evidence that the sacred claim of Jewish origination of monotheism is just plain old plagiarism...see Babylonians, Zoroastrians... Sumeria...etc...Jews may have popularized it...but was in existence long before Jews say they invented it.... all contributing to the long-term vitriol against Jews....ex: Martin Luther's 'The Jews and Their Lies' book...etc.
As far as the destruction of the first and second Temples, they were the product of normal political machinations of a supremacist mindset that would not succumb to Roman power. The Jews miscalculated and overstepped their abilities in confronting or attacking Rome and were crushed basically in both instances...all in generalities...they were then totally expelled from Palestine because of mistrust, fear, and hatred by the local populations...They try to portray themselves as victims in this course of events....but it was just politics and war...nothing sacred.
This has repeated itself in over 100 expulsions over the last two millennia and continues to this day.... there is a dramatic increase in modern forms anti-Semitism because of Jewish treatment of the Palestinians by the supporters of Netanyahu of whom the Jewish citizens put in office. He's a criminal psychopath doing the bidding of an electoral majority.
If you thoroughly study Jewish history of exploitation, supremacism, and false flag treachery, it is sickening.

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