[Peace-discuss] Tax Rally Saturday

Karen Aram karenaram at hotmail.com
Wed Dec 6 02:24:11 UTC 2017

I can certainly appreciate that. 

Will AWARE give its endorsement to the rally?

> On Dec 5, 2017, at 17:18, C G Estabrook <cgestabrook at gmail.com> wrote:
> My spirit is willing, but my Southern blood is too thin to take 30-degree weather.
> לשנה הבאה בירושלים [next year in Jerusalem] perhaps. —CGE
>> On Dec 5, 2017, at 6:55 PM, Karen Aram via Peace-discuss <peace-discuss at lists.chambana.net> wrote:
>> If wars are due to “profit incentive,” as we usually agree, its the capitalist system that is responsible, and therefore needs to be changed.
>> A few people protesting wars hasn’t gotten us very far, no one is listening, in spite of their kind words thanking us.  
>> An increase in taxes, which will impact on social services, and the working class, must be stopped. It serves only to provide more profits to the elites conducting the wars.  
>> Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security are on the agenda next. More governments are brought down when the people are hungry, than wars taking place in far away nations. 
>> If you want to stop war, and prevent further ones from occurring, you will rally and unite with others on the issue of tax increases for the poor and working class. 
>> This isn’t the Democrat Party making a scene, showing they care. This is those that are suffering the consequences of all that is taking place now and in the future. 
>>> On Dec 5, 2017, at 16:27, C G Estabrook <cgestabrook at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> No one is suggesting that Congress is passing the tax bill merely or even primarily to distract the electorate from the wars!
>>> But the political establishment (deep-state/war-party/etc.) is in fact working to distract the anti-war movement (e.g., the “#Resistance” campaign).
>>> Neoliberal and neoconservative policies (the former and latter, respectively) are not the same, altho’ they serve the same dominant social groups. 
>>> AWARE has primarily opposed the wars, rather than advancing ‘left’ positions in general (even if we could agree what they were). 
>>> That’s perhaps even more important today, after the success of the political establishment over the last decade in distracting the antiwar movement.
>>> —CGE
>>>> On Dec 5, 2017, at 4:26 PM, Karen Aram <karenaram at hotmail.com> wrote:
>>>> The tax plan is not a “mere distraction of the anti-war movement,” it is another GOP, neocon means of impoverishing the American working class. The fact that the Democrat Party voted against it, must be disturbing, but the fact that they did nothing, and never do, being good cops vs. bad cops is irrelevant. 
>>>> I will be there, if AWARE doesn’t wish to endorse it fine, another nail in their coffin.
>>>>> Perhaps we should have considered it at Sunday’s meeting. 
>>>>> I can't imagine any AWAREists being in favor of the tax bill, but it is a bit removed from an anti-war focus.
>>>>> The political establishment is working furiously to distract the anti-war movement (e.g., “#Resistance”)
>>>>> So it may be worthwhile for us to concentrate on US wars, as we've tried to do for 16 years. —CGE
>>>>>> On Dec 5, 2017, at 12:00 PM, Karen Aram <karenaram at hotmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>> What about AWARE endorsing the rally?
>>>>>>> On Dec 5, 2017, at 09:40, David Green <davegreen84 at yahoo.com> wrote:
>>>>>>> I appreciate the suggestion, but I'm not up for an outdoor event related to this particular issue on such a cold day, especially given our presence at the indoor market on Saturday morning.
>>>>>>> On ‎Tuesday‎, ‎December‎ ‎5‎, ‎2017‎ ‎10‎:‎53‎:‎45‎ ‎AM, Karen Aram <karenaram at hotmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>> I received this message today from Joel of one of the “left” or anti-capitalist organizations I met with on Saturday. He is requesting AWARE sponsor their anti-tax rally on Saturday, along with the other groups referred to below, and send a speaker.
>>>>>>> If David Green is willing, I would like to recommend he speak on behalf of AWARE on this topic. 
>>>>>>> David Johnson, is well informed on the topic, but will likely be representing the DSA?
>>>>>>> Carl is an excellent speaker but might have a problem targeting the GOP. 
>>>>>>> Please see below Joel’s message: 
>>>>>>> "We're looking to hold it this Saturday at 2pm, at the federal courthouse in Urbana. The plan is to have a rally with speakers, and a street march if we think we have enough people.”
>>>>>>> "So far it looks like GEO will endorse, in addition to the Democratic Socialists, ISO and Socialist Alternative. Black Rose can'd endorse but a couple of them are active in helping to organize it. Would AWARE be able to co-sponsor as well, and send a speaker? "
>>>>>>> "We're putting together a Facebook event tonight, with this messaging
>>>>>>> Their FB message:
>>>>>>>> Last Friday, the Republicans passed their tax bill through the Senate that would *increase* taxes on ordinary people by $4.5 trillion over ten years - the largest tax increase in US history. The bill would also trigger automatic cuts to medicare and social security, further devastate public education, and potentially triple or quadruple taxes on graduate students. With $6 trillion in tax cuts for the rich, this rip-off will massively increase economic and racial inequality in the United States.
>>>>>>>> We've written and called our representatives to oppose the bill, and they've shown that they truly don't care. So we're not asking any more. This Friday at 5, we'll join nationwide protests by rallying to fight back. We won't accept having bread taken out of our mouths. Join us and show that there will be no peace until this vicious bill is dead!
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