[Peace-discuss] David Greens' article in todays NG

Karen Aram karenaram at hotmail.com
Fri Feb 10 23:42:56 UTC 2017

ome<http://www.news-gazette.com/> » Opinion<http://www.news-gazette.com/opinion> » Letters to the Editor<http://www.news-gazette.com/opinion/letters-editor>
Trump continues assault on people

Fri, 02/10/2017 - 7:00am | The News-Gazette<http://www.news-gazette.com/users/digitalmedia>

Those who identify with the political left and progressivism (not the same) need to consider several perspectives.

President Donald Trump will likely extend the depredations that neoliberal capitalism has inflicted on the American working class for four decades, but at no greater velocity than his predecessors, Republican or Democrat.

Neoliberalism — consisting of financialization (Wall Street-driven wealth accumulation), governmental austerity and increased income inequality benefiting the top 10 percent — has long been the consensus among the "power elite" and in administrative academia.

President Barack Obama was no exception, except in sleight of hand. The African-American working class was no less devastated by his policies than those of his predecessors, whether in terms of income or police harassment and incarceration. Obama, a servant of bankers, lifted no finger to challenge the structural conditions of "his people" (or anyone else).

While progressives and leftists are right to counter the demonization of immigrants, we should also consider that our country's history is one of collective exploitation of immigrant and slave labor, related to the more general exploitation of what is now called the "white working class."

We must recognize the real grievances of those affected by the intentional divide-and-conquer anti-labor strategies of the ruling class, and their very real effects on those (including most white women) who had no economic reason to vote for Hillary Clinton.

Finally, we must recognize that the refugee crisis is a result of global American aggression since World War II. We must support closing our foreign bases and bringing all troops home.


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