[Peace-discuss] What Obama accomplished

Carl G. Estabrook galliher at illinois.edu
Wed Jan 4 12:57:08 UTC 2017

In the interests of the US elite, Obama’s policies were neoliberal (more inequality) and neoconservative (more war); both were successful.


"The merciless downsizing of the American worker is a central element of Obama’s legacy...

"The structural lowering of the employment floor to a precariat sub-basement makes all workers more insecure and less able to bargain with the bosses...

"Obama’s assault on FDR’s New Deal and LBJ’s War on Poverty seemed to come from out of the blue...

"Barack Obama dared to push through Congress a bill authorizing the indefinite detention of U.S. citizens by the military, without trial or charge...

"Obama’s methodical nullification of international law is, itself, the gravest aggression and crime against peace.”


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