[Peace-discuss] Presidents

Karen Aram karenaram at hotmail.com
Mon Jan 23 17:22:35 UTC 2017

My rant for the day:

We know our government lied to us when they claimed "WMD" for our intervention and slaughter in Iraq and Afghanistan, and when Obama came into power many of us were relieved. Such a cool, classy guy, surely he'll bring about peace, end poverty, and provide healthcare for all. Unfortunately, thats not what he did. He bailed out the banks, not the people, he provided ACA rather than

"Single Payer", which though it helped many really poor, as well as removing the "preconditions" clause, it unfortunately, harmed the middle class working families who can't afford it. It sure helped the insurance cos., they love it.

Then he proceeded to invade and destroy Libya, and Syria, with the disastrous results being passed on to many surrounding nations. We watched while Israel our largest aid recipient slaughter women and children in Gaza, and our government continued to supply the weapons. The people of Yemen are dying, horribly and our government continues to supply the weapons, technology, logistics and training to our friend, the Saudi's. The Saudi's are the most barbaric nation on earth, and responsible for 9/11, has anyone noticed? We're still at war in Afghanistan and Iraq, while Guantanamo is still open, I know the Republicans made him do it.

Yes, he did do something good in respect to both Iran and Cuba, give him credit for that, that which was well overdue.

His pivot to Asia, with our provocations in the South China Sea, are very dangerous and the "false flag" of our coup in Kiev, bringing an excuse to place Nato on the border of Russia, and all surrounding areas, with accompanying sanctions against Russia which also has an impact on many of the nations in the surrounding areas, is unforgivable and will have far ranging consequences if not reversed.

Did Americans take notice, no? Why not, well because Obama is a cool guy, who many relate to, you know "a liberal" a "democrat", we can all identify with that, because we're cool, we're liberal, and if only Bernie hadn't been sidelined by the Party, everything would have been fine, but these people, who are they, supported Trump, people across the rust belt for whom the Democratic Party had no use, their poverty was of no concern, they are the dispensables.

So now we have Trump, who has made awful remarks about people, especially women, so we can really hate him, and we will be watching his every move, we are now awake and we will be concerned when the USG continues to slaughter the "non white" people, women and children, around the world we never noticed before.
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