[Peace-discuss] Liberalism as Class Warfare

David Green davegreen84 at yahoo.com
Mon Jan 30 23:41:22 UTC 2017

 Rob Urie:
What anti-establishment voters, and those who consciously withheld their votes, got right in the recent election is that the illusion of choice provided by the major Parties is anti-politics. Liberals, as guardians of the status quo, are class warriors on the side of economic mal-distribution and the immiseration of the laboring classes and poor for the benefit of the rich. The ease with which the misdirection of ‘deplorables’ was sold illustrates the conundrum confronting any actual Left political movement.
Liberalism as Class Warfare
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Liberalism as Class Warfare
 With apologies in advance for forcing unpleasant thoughts this early in an essay; reflexively, what economic cla...  |   |



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