[Peace-discuss] WAFFEN-SS LAW SCHOOL OFF CAMPUS!Nuremberg & Reagan & Harold Killer Koh, Joan of Arc, President Obama, and The Dark Ages

Boyle, Francis A fboyle at illinois.edu
Fri Jun 23 14:33:55 UTC 2017

As you can see I sent this Message among  many others to the entire Faculty of the  College of Law to prevent Killer Koh from coming over two years ago. To the contrary, as far as this  Waffen-SS Law Faculty were  concerned, all these Reaganite Nazi  atrocities that Killer Koh  justified from 1983 to 1985  qualified Killer Koh to come.  Ditto for Killer Koh’s Nazi Atrocities for Obama/Clinton.

Waffen-SS Law School Off Campus!


Francis A. Boyle
Law Building
504 E. Pennsylvania Ave.
Champaign, IL 61820 USA
217-333-7954 (phone)
217-244-1478 (fax)
(personal comments only)

From: Boyle, Francis A
Sent: Saturday, May 30, 2015 8:06 PM
To: Moore, Michael <micmoore at illinois.edu>; Wasserman, Melissa F <mfwasser at illinois.edu>; Law * Tenured/Track Faculty <tenurefac at mx.uillinois.edu>; Law * Clinical Faculty <clinicalfac at mx.uillinois.edu>; Law * Legal Writing Faculty <legalwritingfac at mx.uillinois.edu>; Law * Emeritus Faculty <emeritusfac at mx.uillinois.edu>; Law * Library Faculty <LibraryFaculty at mx.uillinois.edu>; Cook, Sally J <sjcook at illinois.edu>; Mazzone, Jason <mazzonej at illinois.edu>; Robbennolt, Jennifer Kirkpatrick <jrobbenn at illinois.edu>
Subject: Nuremberg & Reagan & Harold Killer Koh, Joan of Arc, President Obama, and The Dark Ages

Hon. Mary M. Kaufman (U.S.A.),
attorney-at-law, prosecuting attorney at the Nuremberg War Crimes Trial
against I.G. Farben
Mary Kaufman
Francis A. Boyle, Chairman
My Colleague and Friend Mary Kaufman prosecuted IG Farben at Nuremberg. The Nazis had their lawyers too—just like Harold Killer Koh. Some of them were prosecuted and convicted at Nuremberg in the Justice Case.
RIP: Mary Kaufman

Francis A. Boyle
Law Building
504 E. Pennsylvania Ave.
Champaign, IL 61820 USA
217-333-7954 (phone)
217-244-1478 (fax)
(personal comments only)

From: Boyle, Francis A
Sent: Saturday, May 30, 2015 4:36 PM
To: Moore, Michael; Wasserman, Melissa F; Law * Tenured/Track Faculty; Law * Clinical Faculty; Law * Legal Writing Faculty; Law * Emeritus Faculty; Law * Library Faculty; Cook, Sally J; Mazzone, Jason; Robbennolt, Jennifer Kirkpatrick
Subject: Reagan & Harold Killer Koh, Joan of Arc, President Obama, and The Dark Ages

In 1983, Harold Killer Koh went to work for the Reagan administration in its Department of “Justice” Office of Legal Counsel, justifying every hideous atrocity Reagan was inflicting on international law, human rights, and the United States Constitution. Later, Killer Koh would brag  to his Yale Law Students that he authored the Opinion Letter justifying Reagan’s criminal and unconstitutional invasion of Grenada. Fab.
Via NY Transfer News Collective  *  All the News that Doesn't Fit

Conclusions and Judgment of Brussels Tribunal on Reagan's Foreign Policy
(September 30, 1984)

The International Conference on the Reagan administration's foreign
policy convened in Brussels from 28-30 September, 1984 under the
auspices of the International Progress Organization. Reports were
submitted by international jurists and foreign policy specialists on the
various aspects of the Reagan administration's foreign policy.

Among the participants of the conference were Sean McBride (Nobel
Laureate, Ireland), Prof. George Wald (Nobel Laureate, Harvard
University), General Edgardo Mercado Jarrin  (Peru), General Nino Pasti
(former Deputy Supreme Commander of NATO) and Hortensia Bussi de Allende
(Chile). The reports were presented before a panel of jurists consisting
of Hon. Farouk Abu-Eissa (Sudan), attorney, former foreign minister,
secretary-general of the Arab Lawyers Union; Prof. Francis A. Boyle
(U.S.A.), professor of international law from the University of
Illinois, Chairman; Dr. Hans Goeran Franck (Sweden), attorney, member of
the Swedish Parliament; Hon. Mirza Gholam Hafiz (Bangladesh), former
Speaker of the Bangladesh Parliament and currently a senior advocate of
the Bangladesh Supreme Court; Hon. Mary M. Kaufman (U.S.A.),
attorney-at-law, prosecuting attorney at the Nuremberg War Crimes Trial
against I.G. Farben; Dr. Jean-Claude Njem (Cameroon),
assistant-professor at the Faculty of Law, Uppsala University and a
consultant of the government; Prof. Alberto Ruiz-Eldredge (Peru),
professor of law, former president of the National Council of Justice;
and Dr. Muemlaz Soysal (Turkey), professor of constitutional law,
University of Ankara.

An accusation against the international legality of the Reagan
Administration's foreign policy was delivered by the Honorable Ramsey
Clark, former U.S. Attorney General. The defense was presented by a
legal expert of the Reagan Administration.

Based upon all the reports and documents submitted and the arguments by
the advocates, the Brussels Panel of Jurists hereby renders the
following conclusions concerning the compatibility of the Reagan
Administration's foreign policy with the requirements of international

A.      Introduction

1.      General Introduction. The Reagan administration's foreign policy
constitutes a gross violation of the fundamental principles of
international law enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations
Organization, as well as the basic rules of customary international law
set forth in the UN General Assembly's Declaration on the
Inadmissibility of Intervention in the Domestic Affairs of States and
the Protection of Their Independence and Sovereignty (1965), its
Declaration on the Principles of International Law Concerning Friendly
Relations and Cooperation Among States in Accordance with the Charter of
the United Nations (1970), and its Definition of Aggression (1974),
among others. In addition, the Reagan administration is responsible for
complicity in the commission of crimes against peace, crimes against
humanity, war crimes and grave breaches of the Third and Fourth Geneva
Conventions of 1949.

B.     Western Hemisphere

2.      Grenada. The Reagan administration's 1983 invasion of Grenada
was a clear-cut violation of the UN Charter articles 2(3), 2(4), and 33
as well as of articles 18, 20, and 21 of the Revised OAS Charter for
which there was no valid excuse or justification under international
law. As such, it constituted an act of aggression within the meaning of
article 39 of the United Nation's Charter.

3.      Threat of U.S. Intervention. In direct violation of the basic
requirement of international law mandating the peaceful settlement of
international disputes, the Reagan administration has implemented a
foreign policy towards Central American that constitutes a great danger
of escalation in military hostilities to the point of precipitating
armed intervention by U.S. troops into combat against both the
insurgents in El Salvador and the legitimate government of Nicaragua.

4.      El Salvador. The Reagan administration's illegal intervention
inot El Salvador's civil war contravenes the international legal right
of self-determination of peoples as recognized by article 1(2) of the
United Nations Charter. The Reagan administration has provided enormous
amounts of military assistance to an oppressive regime that has used it
to perpetrate a gross and consistent pattern of violations of the most
fundamental human rights of the people of El Salvador.

5.      Nicaragua. The Reagan administration's policy of organizing and
participating in military operations by opposition contra groups for the
purpose of overthrowing the legitimate government of Nicaragua violates
the terms of both the UN and OAS. Charters prohibiting the threat or use
of force against the political independence of a state. The Reagan
administration has flouted its obligation to terminate immediately its
support for the opposition contra groups in accordance with the Interim
Order of Protection issued by the International Court of Justice on 10
May 1984.

6.      The International Court of Justice. The Panel denounces the
patently bogus attempt by the Reagan administration to withdraw from the
compulsory jurisdiction of the International Court of Justice in the
suit brought against it by Nicaragua for the purpose of avoiding a
peaceful settlement of this dispute by the World Court in order to
pursue instead a policy based upon military intervention, lawless
violence and destabilization of the legitimate government of Nicaragua.

7.      Mining Nicaraguan Harbors. The Reagan administration's mining of
Nicaraguan harbors violates the rules of international law set forth in
the 1907 Hague Convention on the laying of Submarine Mines, to which
both Nicaragua and the United States are parties.

C.     Nuclear Weapons Policies

8.      Arms Control Treaties. The Reagan administration has refused to
support the ratification of the Threshold Test Ban Treaty of 1974, the
Peaceful Nuclear Explosions Treaty of 1976, and the SALT II Treaty of
1979. In addition to renouncing the longstanding objective of the U.S.
government to renegotiate a comprehensive test ban treaty. As such the
Reagan administration has failed to pursue negotiations in good faith on
effective measures relating to cessation of the nuclear arms race at an
early date and to nuclear disarmament as required by article 6 of the
Non-Proliferation Treaty of 1968. Similarly, the Reagan administration's
"Strategic Defense Initiative" of 1983 threatens to breach the
Anti-Ballistic Missile Systems Treaty of 1972.

9.      Pershing 2 Missiles. The deployment of the offensive,
first-strike, counterforce strategic nuclear weapons system known as the
Pershing 2 missile in the Federal Republic of Germany violates the
non-circumvention clause found in article 12 of the SALT II Treaty. The
Reagan administration is bound to obey this prohibition pursuant to the
rule of customary international law enunciated in article 18 of the 1969
Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties to the effect that a signatory
to a treaty is obliged to refrain from acts that would defeat the object
and purpose of a treaty until it has made its intention clear not to
become a party.

10.  The MX Missile. The MX missile is an offensive, first-strike,
counterforce, strategic nuclear weapons system that can serve no
legitimate defensive purpose under UN Charter article 51 and the
international laws of humanitarian armed conflict.

11.  No-First-Use. In accordance with UN General Assembly Resolution
1553 of 24 November 1961, the Panel denounces the refusal by the Reagan
administration to adopt a policy mandating the no-first-use of nuclear
weapons in the event of a conventional attack as required by the basic
rule of international law dictating proportionality in the use of force
even for the purposes of legitimate self-defense.

12.  ASAT Treaty. The Panel calls upon both the United States and the
Soviet Union to negotiate unconditionally over the conclusion of an
anti-satellite weapons treaty.

D.     Middle East

13.  Lebanon. For the part it played in the planning, preparation and
initiation of the 1982 Israeli invasion of Lebanon, the Reagan
administration has committed a crime against peace as defined by the
Nuremberg Principles. Likewise, under the Nuremberg Principles, the
Reagan administration becomes an accomplice to the crimes against
humanity, war crimes and grave breaches of the Third and Fourth Geneva
Conventions of 1949 that have been committed or condoned by Israel and
its allied Phalange and Haddad militia forces in Lebanon. Such
complicity includes the savage massacre of genocidal character of
hundreds of innocent Palestinians and Lebanese civilians by organized
unites of the Phalangist militia at the Sabra and Shatila refugee camps
located in West Beirut that were then subject to control by the
occupying Israeli army. The Reagan administration has totally failed to
discharge its obligation to obtain Israel's immediate and unconditional
withdrawal from all parts of Lebanon as required by UN Security Council
Resolutions 508 and 509 (1982), both of which are legally binding in
Israel and the United States under UN Charter article 28. This includes
Israeli evacuation of southern Lebanon.

14.  The Palestinian Question. The Reagan administration's policy toward
the Palestinian people as well as the Reagan "Peace Plan" of 1 September
1982 violates the international legal right of the Palestinian people to
self-determination as recognized by UN Charter article 1(2). As
recognized by numerous General Assembly resolutions, the Palestinian
people have an international legal right to create and independent and
sovereign state. The Palestinian Liberation Organization has been
recognized as the legitimate representative of the Palestinian people by
both the United Nations General Assembly and the League of Arab States.
The Reagan administration's nonrecognition of the PLO and its attempt to
brand the PLO a "terrorist" group contravene the Palestinian people's
right to liberation. The panel denounces the negative attitude of the
Reagan Administration towards the call by the United Nations' Secretary
General for the convocation of an international conference under the
auspices of the United Nations, with the United States and the Soviet
Union as co-chairmen, and with the
participation of all parties involved in the conflict  including the
PLO, for the purpose of obtaining a just and lasting peace in the Middle

15.  Israeli Settlements. The Reagan administration's declared position
that Israeli settlements in the Occupied Territories are "not illegal"
is a violation of U.S. obligations under article 1 of the Fourth Geneva
Convention of 1949 to ensure respect for the terms of the Convention
(here article 49) by other High Contracting Parties such as Israel.

16.  Libya. The Reagan administration's dispatch of the U.S. Sixth Fleet
into the Gulf of Sidra for the purpose of precipitating armed conflict
with the Libyan government constitutes a breach fo the peace under
Article 39 of the UN Charter. The Reagan administration's policy to
attempt to destabilize the government of Libya violates the terms of the
United Nations Charter article 2(4) prohibiting the threat or use of
force directed against the political independence of a state.

E.     Africa, Asia and the Indian Ocean

17.  Apartheid. The Panel denounces the Reagan administration's
so-called policy of "constructive engagement" toward the apartheid
regime in South Africa. This specious policy encourages discrimination
and oppression against the majority of the people of South Africa; it
hampers effective action by the international community against
apartheid and facilitates aggressive conduct by the South African
apartheid regime against neighbor states in violation of the UN Charter.
As such, the Reagan administration has become an accomplice to the
commission of the international crime of apartheid as recognized by the
universally accepted International Convention on the Suppression and
Punishment of the Crime of Apartheid of 1973. The Panel also denounces
the cooperation between the Reagan administration and South Africa in
military and nuclear matters.

18.  Namibia. The Reagan administration has refused to carry out its
obligations under Security Council Resolution 435 (1978) providing for
the independence of Namibia, as required by article 25 of the UN
Charter. The right of the Namibian people to self-determination had been
firmly established under international law long before the outbreak of
the Angolan civil war. The Reagan administration has no right to
obstruct the
achievement of Namibian independence by conditioning it or "linking" it
to the withdrawal of Cuban troops from Angola in any way. Both the UN
General Assembly and the Organization of African Unity have recognized
SWAPI as the legitimate representative of the Namibian people and the
administration is obligated to negotiate with it as such.

19.  Angola. Cuban troops are in Angola at the request of the legitimate
government of Angola in order to protect it from overt and covert
aggression mounted by the South African apartheid regime from Namibia.
There is absolutely no international legal justification for South
African aggression against Angola in order to maintain and consolidate
its reprehensible occupation of Namibia. The Angolan government has
repeatedly stated that when South Africa leaves Namibia it will request
the withdrawal of Cuban troops, and Cuba has agreed to withdraw its
troops whenever so requested by Angola. According to the relevant rules
of international law, that is the proper sequence of events to be
followed. The Reagan administration's "linkage" of the presence of the
Cuban troops in Angola with the
independence of Namibia encourages South African aggression against
Angola, and thus it must share in the responsibility for South Africa's
genocidal acts against the people of Angola.

20.  Indian Ocean. The Reagan administration's continued military
occupation of the island of Diego Garcia violates the international
right of
self-determination of the people of Mauritius as recognized by the
United Nations Charter. The Reagan administration has accelerated the
rapid militarization of the U.S. naval base on Diego Garcia as part of
its plan to create a jumping-off point for intervention by the Rapid
Deployment Force into the Persian Gulf. As such the Reagan
administration 's foreign policy towards the Indian Ocean has violated
the terms of the UN General Assembly's Declaration of the Indian Ocean
as a Zone of Peace (1971).

F.      Conclusion

21.      United Nations Action. From the foregoing, it is clear that the
Reagan administration has substituted force for the rule of
international law in its conduct of foreign policy around the world. It
has thus created a serious threat to the maintenance of international
peace and security under article 39 of the United Nations Charter that
calls for the imposition of enforcement measures by the UN Security
Council under articles 41 and 42. In the event the Reagan administration
exercises its veto power against the adoption of such measures by the
Security Council, the matter should be turned over the to UN General
assembly for action in accordance with the procedures set forth in the
Uniting for Peace Resolution of 1950. In this way the Reagan
administration's grievous international transgressions could be
effectively opposed by all members of the world community in a manner
consistent with the requirements of international law.

Both the Security Council and the General Assembly should also take into
account the numerous interventionist measures taken by the Reagan
Administration, whether direct or indirect, seeking to impose financial
and economic policies which are contrary to the sovereign independence
of states, especially in the developing world, and which severely damage
the quality of life for all peoples.

Farouk Abu-Eissa
Mary Kaufman
Francis A. Boyle, Chairman
Jean-Claude Njem
Hans Goeran Franck
Alberto Ruiz-Eldredge
Mirza Gholam Hafiz
Muemlaz Soysal

Brussels, Belgium
30 September 1984.

Francis A. Boyle
Law Building
504 E. Pennsylvania Ave.
Champaign, IL 61820 USA
217-333-7954 (voice)
217-244-1478 (fax)

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Francis A. Boyle
Law Building
504 E. Pennsylvania Ave.
Champaign, IL 61820 USA
217-333-7954 (phone)
217-244-1478 (fax)
(personal comments only)

From: Boyle, Francis A
Sent: Saturday, May 30, 2015 3:55 PM
To: Moore, Michael; Wasserman, Melissa F; Law * Tenured/Track Faculty; Law * Clinical Faculty; Law * Legal Writing Faculty; Law * Emeritus Faculty; Law * Library Faculty; Cook, Sally J; Mazzone, Jason; Robbennolt, Jennifer Kirkpatrick
Subject: Harold Killer Koh, Joan of Arc, President Obama, and The Dark Ages

As for the right of President Obama to murder people, which is the correct description of what he is doing, Professor Francis Boyle of the University of Illinois and Magna Cum Laude graduate of Harvard Law School, says:
"The 'honors' graduate of Harvard Law School President Obama has set himself up as the sole Judge, Jury and Executioner of thousands of human beings in violation of international law, human rights law, the laws of war and the United States Constitution. Harvard Law School taught me that makes Obama a felon and a war criminal and impeachable."

Ditto for Harold Killer Koh. Fab.

Francis A. Boyle
Law Building
504 E. Pennsylvania Ave.
Champaign, IL 61820 USA
217-333-7954 (phone)
217-244-1478 (fax)
(personal comments only)

Feed: "Francis Boyle" - Bing News
Posted on: Saturday, May 30, 2015 3:17 AM
Author: "Francis Boyle" - Bing News
Subject: Joan of Arc, President Obama, and The Dark Ages

As for the right of President Obama to murder people, which is the correct description of what he is doing, Professor Francis Boyle of the University of Illinois and Magna Cum Laude graduate of Harvard Law School, says: "The 'honors' graduate of Harvard ...

View article...<http://www.bing.com/news/apiclick.aspx?ref=FexRss&aid=&tid=fd87c88c1ba844bfb77b4740ae3e6df9&url=http%3a%2f%2fwww.opednews.com%2farticles%2fJoan-of-Arc-President-Oba-by-Sherwood-Ross-Bush_Ethics_Lying_Obama-Dead-Children-Drones-150530-591.html&c=fMJxFa5xHGUAmHUtoC1LXnhxP1ooLFTrJo09j1cIorQ&mkt=en-us>
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