[Peace-discuss] A great posting I saw on Facebook -

David Johnson davidjohnson1451 at comcast.net
Mon May 15 21:48:54 UTC 2017

A great posting I saw on Facebook -



As a Vietnam war veteran, I advise: Do not let any young person you care
about join US military service. There's no longer any "honor" in it. It's
not about "defending" the country - it's about lining the pockets and
filling the off-shore bank accounts of the 1% who supply the arms and seek
to control the resources of other countries. The politicians and the people
who buy them are perfectly willing to sacrifice the lives of our young
people to further their greed. And if the kid does come home, they will not
be cared for or cared about - funding has been cut for veteran benefits by
Congress on a regular basis.


 <https://www.facebook.com/david.james.7798?fref=ufi> David James

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