[Peace-discuss] Statement on FB in relation to Robt. Parry

Karen Aram karenaram at hotmail.com
Thu Feb 1 17:06:47 UTC 2018

Sam Husseini<https://www.facebook.com/sam.husseini?hc_ref=ARSQMIT1sCznfP2oeFFKSDPGTqa-w_A00VqDRlneavfSfYKM_ZaV3XPRi4X6vRvihe4&fref=nf>
Yesterday at 7:38am<https://www.facebook.com/sam.husseini/posts/10155015129925689> ·

Interesting note from international lawyer Francis Boyle regarding the recently deceased Robert Parry:

For what it is worth, I was down in Nicaragua in the Fall of 1985 with Ramsey Clark and Len Weinglass—RIP—to investigate Contra atrocities and try to help them out. Things were pretty grim. It looked like Reagan was about to invade Nicaragua despite our opposition to the contrary in the Pledge of Resistance Campaign for which I served as Counsel. I asked the Nicaraguans how they were going to defend themselves when Reagan invaded. It would have been another Vietnam. As we were leaving they hosted a little party for us where they saluted us for going to jail when Reagan invaded. It was a little eerie toasting your own impending incarceration. Then all of a sudden out of nowhere the Iran-Contra Scandal broke out. It was a Deus ex machina for the Nicaraguans and for us Americans avoiding another Vietnam. Reagan was dead in the water. There would be no invasion of Nicaragua. We owe that to Bob Parry.

A comment made by: Kelley Patrick  Gerling:

"Boyle is a legal blessing. To understand how conservative our constitutional system is, imaging the impossibility of presidential nomination and Senate confirmation of Francis Boyle, Glenn Greenwald or Noam Chomsky to the Supreme Court. They are progressives. There are none remotely like them in generations, perhaps since Robert Jackson.”
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