[Peace-discuss] FW: WSJ:Harvard Harvey Mansfield on "Manliness"--Joke and a Fraud!

Karen Aram karenaram at hotmail.com
Sat Mar 31 19:10:10 UTC 2018

When I first went to Thailand, in the late seventy’s, I thought it cruel that men often, if they could afford to do so, took additional wives. It had been outlawed, but was still practiced, if the man could afford it.

It was explained to me that Asians, thought the practice in the west of abandoning the first wife for a new and younger one, was far more cruel, and they couldn’t understand how society allowed such a practice.

By the mid ninety’s, young women had jobs, and were financially able to afford their own homes, no longer having to live with in-laws and were very clear, they wouldn’t tolerate, a mistress or second wife, thus divorce became more the norm, and often the choice of women.

 Generally speaking in most cultures, women bare the burden of raising the children when men are irresponsible and leave.

In most cultures, not all, it’s not considered “manliness,” it’s a “weakness,” if nothing else.

On Mar 31, 2018, at 11:42, Boyle, Francis A via Peace-discuss <peace-discuss at lists.chambana.net<mailto:peace-discuss at lists.chambana.net>> wrote:

Francis A. Boyle
Law Building
504 E. Pennsylvania Ave.
Champaign IL 61820 USA
217-333-7954 (phone)
217-244-1478 (fax)
(personal comments only)

From: Boyle, Francis A
Sent: Saturday, March 31, 2018 1:42 PM
To: sectns.aals at lists.aals.org<mailto:sectns.aals at lists.aals.org>
Subject: WSJ:Harvard Harvey Mansfield on "Manliness"--Joke and a Fraud!

“…His first marriage ended in divorce…”
LOL! It was well known in the Gov Department where Harv taught and I was getting my PHD in Polisci that Harv dumped his wife and his children, shacked up with one of his graduate students, and left his abandoned wife to raise their children. That’s “manliness” according to Harvard Harvey. Certainly not in my book having spent the last 31 years of my life raising three sons to Manhood along with my Wife. In any event, Harvey has been the Guru of all the Straussian NeoCons at Harvard for the past generation. Harv is a self-professed convert to Leo Strauss. Leo Strauss’s teacher, mentor and sponsor in Germany before he came to UChicago’s Polisci Department where I got my AB was Carl Schmitt. Schmitt was the most notorious Nazi Law Professor of that benighted era, who justified every hideous atrocity Hitler and the Nazis inflicted on everyone, including the Jews. That should tell you everything you need to know about Harvard Harvey, Harv’s  Harvard NeoCons and the UChicago NeoCons.
Professor of Law
AB,UChicago, Polisci
PHD, Harvard, PoliSci

Francis A. Boyle
Law Building
504 E. Pennsylvania Ave.
Champaign IL 61820 USA
217-333-7954 (phone)
217-244-1478 (fax)
(personal comments only)

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