[Peace-discuss] AWARE on the Air - May 15, 2018

Carl G. Estabrook galliher at illinois.edu
Tue May 15 19:22:02 UTC 2018

Good evening and welcome to ‘AWARE on the Air,’ presented by members and friends of AWARE, the ‘anti-war anti-racism effort’ of Champaign-Urbana. I’m Carl Estabrook.

We are recording this at noon on Tuesday, May 15, in the studios of Urbana Public Television.

Our subject is the wars the US government is waging around the world, and the racism we display to those we’re killing, in accord with the Latin proverb, ‘Proprium humani ingenii est odisse quem laeseris” - “It’s human nature to hate those you have injured.”

At this moment the US is making war in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Pakistan, Somalia, Syria, & Yemen - principally to control the flow of oil out of the Mideast and North Africa, which the US uses as a weapon against its economic rivals from Germany to China.

Thousands of U.S. troops are killing people in these countries, although most Americans are barely aware of it.

~ More than a quarter of a million US troops are stationed in a thousand US bases on foreign soil, most of them ringing Russia and China.

~ The 70,000-members of the U.S. ‘Special Operations Command’ are active in three-quarters of the countries of the world. Their activities include kidnapping (‘rendition’), torture, and murder. As the rest of the world recognizes - but Americans don’t - they are nothing less than American death squads.

The rest of the world recognizes that the US today is what ML King called it long ago, the “greatest purveyor of violence in the world today” - an international criminal surpassing all others. But most Americans don’t know that, protected as they are by government and media propaganda. What we do here at AWARE ON THE AIR is try to encourage our fellow-citizens to oppose US government killing around the world.

The crime of the week has been committed by American client Israel - attacking & killing unarmed protesters, including children & journalists.

[WikiLeaks] Israeli snipers shot 1,359 Gaza border protesters yesterday killing 60 so far. While media reports the trigger to be the US embassy move, the context is the blockade of Gaza & and a criminal corruption probe into Israeli PM Netanyahu which threatens to bring down his government.

[CNN] The decision to open a US Embassy in Jerusalem has been met with deadly clashes [SIC] along the Israeli-Gaza border. At least 58 Palestinians were killed in protests and confrontations on Monday as the new embassy was officially opened. Global leaders condemned Israeli forces for using lethal force against protesters, but there could be even more bloodshed to come. Today, Palestinians are observing what they call "Nakba," or Catastrophe, in memory of the more than 700,000 Palestinians who [WERE ETHNICALLY CLEANSED FOR] the state of Israel.

The 1948 Palestinian exodus, also known as the Nakba (Arabic: al-Nakbah, literally "disaster", "catastrophe", or "cataclysm"), occurred when more than 700,000 Palestinian Arabs fled or were expelled from their homes, during the 1948 Palestine war. Between 400 and 600 Palestinian villages were sacked during the war, while urban Palestine was almost entirely extinguished. The term "nakba" also refers to the period of war itself and events affecting Palestinians from December 1947 to January 1949.

The precise number of refugees, many of whom settled in refugee camps in neighboring states, is a matter of dispute[4] but around 80 percent of the Arab inhabitants of what became Israel (half of the Arab total of Mandatory Palestine) left or were expelled from their homes.[5][6] About 250,000-300,000 Palestinians had fled or been expelled before the Israeli Declaration of Independence in May 1948, a fact which was named as a casus belli for the entry of the Arab League into the country, sparking the 1948 Arab-Israeli War.

[HAARETZ] “Jerusalem celebrates, Tel Aviv parties and Gaza bleeds - a surreal 24 hours”

“Tens of Thousands Attend Funerals for 60 Gazans Killed [BY IDF] in Border Protests”

“In this photo combination, Palestinians protest near the Israel-Gaza border and U.S. and Israeli dignitaries applaud at the opening ceremony of the U.S. embassy in Jerusalem , May 14, 2018.”

“Messianic U.S.-Israel Axis Showcased at Jerusalem Embassy Ceremony Is Gut-punch for Most American Jews.”

[MONDOWEISS] Yesterday was a horrifying and tragic day in Palestine. The Israeli military opened fire on Gaza protesters as the U.S. and Israeli governments celebrated the move of the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem in what was the deadliest day in Gaza since the end of Operation Protective Edge in 2014.

Here is our coverage from a day that will not be soon forgotten:
~ ‘America crossed every red line’: Palestinians in Jerusalem protest new US embassy
Israel kills 58 Palestinian protesters during deadliest day in Gaza in four years
~ ‘If Not Now’ blocks traffic outside Trump DC hotel to protest embassy move
Israeli government minister justifies Gaza massacre by calling Palestinians ‘Nazis’
~ ‘Gaza, Gaza’ is chant from Palestinians demonstrating near new US embassy

[AJAMU BARAKA] Yesterday was a horrifying and tragic day in Palestine. The Israeli military opened fire on Gaza protesters as the U.S. and Israeli governments celebrated the move of the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem in what was the deadliest day in Gaza since the end of Operation Protective Edge in 2014.

‘If Not Now’ blocks traffic outside Trump DC hotel to protest embassy move
Israeli government minister justifies Gaza massacre by calling Palestinians ‘Nazis’

The democrats were ready to support Trump's war on Syria to "punish" Assad after it was reported that the army had gassed civilians. But the Israelis kill over 50 human beings on one day and close to a hundred over last few weeks and silence from both parties.

Yesterday was turning point for the criminal regime in Israel. The nature of that state was revealed even to the super-propagandized US public.

Black Alliance for Peace (BAP) Condemns Slaughter of Palestinians in Gaza: 
Calls on members of the Congressional Black Caucus and leadership of Poor Peoples Campaign to publicly condemn Israeli violence.

Obama gave impunity for crimes against humanity committed by Bush officials like Gina Haspel, while his DOJ prosecuted Snowden, the Freddie Gray resisters in Baltimore &Julian Assange, that set stage for Trump to be in position to get his hands on Assange.

Most people don't realize that 1968 was a pivotal year for counterrevolution in the U.S. and Western Europe. The capitalist class was under assault and had real concerns about its survival when it decided to launch a murderous counter against popular forces world-wide.

Dems not standing up for anything except impeach Trump. That's what they're running on. 
EVEN Sanders can't help himself from emphasizing the bogus "Hamas violence" theme...
Bernie Sanders: "Over 50 killed in Gaza today and 2,000 wounded, on top of the 41 killed and more than 9,000 wounded over the past weeks. This is a staggering toll. Hamas violence does not justify Israel firing on unarmed protesters."

[Gary Brecher] A huge massacre. Death toll now given as 58, with 2700 wounded. And "wounded" is a very light term for this. There'll be many disabled for life, which in a blockaded resettlement zone like Gaza means families exhausting themselves for decades trying to find medical care, supplies, and accessible transport. The dead are a different sort of burden to the community. In cold terms Hamas wins (at terrible cost) and Israel loses today, but insurgents, it's worth remembering, are human and come from families. Families want justice. Thus the First Intifada, rocks against tanks, is followed by the second, more lethal one. Israel probably wants Hamas to jump to that stage, which it knows how to exploit in its time-honored fashion. But that's a short-term solution at best. Does Israel have any long-term one? I can't see it. The long slide to pariah status, the retreat to raw ethno-religious chauvinism, and the bottom line: "We've got the US backing us, and nukes." Which means another round--another dozen, maybe hundred more rounds--of this, followed by the transformation, distraction, or extinction of the foreign backer, at which point it will become clear that the nukes are not really such effective deterrents. Can't see any other end to this. As Mark Ames and I said on the RWN we recorded yesterday, there COULD have been a relatively happy ending once--something better than this slow metal-fatigue attrition--but that doesn't mean there's one now.

Enoch Allred Promo heard on NPR yesterday: "the US opened its embassy in Jerusalem today. It was met with cheers from Israelis, but some Palestinians were not so happy". The liberal media.

And one thing you can count on in American stories on this: the passive voice will have a big, big day. Instead of the classic who-did-what-to-whom sentence from Journalism 101, you'll see a thousand variations on something-happened-to-some people.

WaPO hedline: "Under banner of peace, U.S. opens embassy in Jerusalem. Sixty miles away, dozens of Palestinians are killed." Must have been a really bad traffice accident or tornado outbreak i guess...

{“Who is the Vassal? Israel, the US and Iran” by URI AVNERY, an Israeli writer and peace activist with Gush Shalom. He is a contributor to CounterPunch’s book The Politics of Anti-Semitism.}

“If you want to understand the policy of a nation, look at the map!” Napoleon is supposed to have said.

It is good advice.

If you are living in Israel, these days, you get the impression that the huge State of Israel is dictating to its American vassal what to do about Iran. [HIGHER ANTI-SEMITISM]

President Donald Trump listens and complies. Bibi the Great tells him to tear up the Iranian deal for no obvious reason, and he obeys. He has no choice, poor man.

But then you look at the map, and to your great surprise you discover that the USA is a huge country, while Israel is a mere speck, so small that its name has to be written outside its borders, in the sea.

So what is wrong? Geography, of course, is not the only factor. Israel has some millions of faithful adherents, who are American citizens and have a lot of money. But still.

Can it be that we got the picture wrong? That Trump is not the vassal of Netanyahu, that it’s the other way round? That Trump dictates, and Bibi, for all his bluster, just obeys?

It would not be the first time. In ancient times, the leaders of the Jewish commonwealth in Palestine tried very hard to please the imperator in Rome. Nero, for example, the man who enjoyed setting fire to his own city, and to the world, while playing the flute, or whatever.

Donald Trump is the present-day Nero, the imperator of the New Rome.

Trump’s main object in life is to get out of the Iran deal, “the worst deal ever”. Why? I have listened intently and have discerned no other reason than that the deal was forged by his hated predecessor, Barack Obama.

What other reason was there for annulling the deal? I have heard none. The deal stopped Iran from proceeding with the building of a nuclear weapon. All experts, without exception (even in Israel) confirm that Iran has scrupulously adhered to its commitment.

Indeed, the entire world outside the US (and Israel, of course) has now decided to go on with the deal. Germany, France and Britain, three not quite insignificant powers, believe that the deal has to be maintained. So do Russia and China, no tiny countries, either.

Except Israel. Ah, Israel.

Most people in Israel now believe that Binyamin Netanyahu, Bibi the Great, is really leading Trump on a leash. Bibi has such a magical hold over Trump, that the American president has to follow Israel’s lead.

Bibi is obsessed with Iran. He wakes up in the morning with Iran and goes to sleep with Iran.

Nobody seems to ask: Why, for God’s sake?

Going back to Napoleon’s map: there seems to be no clash of interests between the countries of Iran and Israel. No common border. No territories of one that the other desires. Also, no natural resources of one that the other would like to get its hands on.

Proof: not so long ago, well within my lifetime, Iran was Israel’s closest ally (except our American vassal, of course). Iran was governed by the Shah, with his beautiful uniform and his beautiful wife (please indulge me for once, dear feminists).

Israel and Iran went to steal chickens together, as we say. The Iranians helped us to infiltrate agents into the Kurdish region of Iraq, in order to make trouble for the Iraqi dictator, Saddam Hussein. Later, we supported Iran in its war against Iraq, started by the same Hussein.

In one of the greatest scandals of its time, the so-called Iran-Contra affair, Israel transferred American arms to Iran. (Iran paid for them, and the Americans used the money to illegally finance the “Contra'” war against the leftist government in Nicaragua. My friend Amiram Nir, a journalist turned government security advisor, personally delivered the arms to Tehran. (His US counterpart, Oliver North, has just been appointed to head the powerful American Rifle Association.)

Enough amusing anecdotes. There is no basic antagonism, dictated by geography, between our two nations. So what is it?

Well, there is ideology. The present rulers of Iran are extreme Shia Islamists. They want to become the overlords of the Arab Muslim world. The Arabs hate Israel, mainly because of the Israeli occupation of Palestine. So the Iranians pretend to be the great enemy of the “Little Satan” (their rather insulting appellation of Israel, to distinguish it from the Great Satan, the USA).

Frankly, I think that the rulers of Iran don’t give a damn about Israel, except as an useful instrument. The hatred of Israel is a weapon in the battle with the Sunni Arab world, led by the hyper-active Saudi Crown Prince.

(The conflict between Sunni and Shia goes back almost to the times of the Prophet, more than 15 centuries ago.)


So why is Bibi obsessed with Iran, to such an extent that he commands his American vassal to drive towards World War III?

Depends how cynical you are.

If you are very cynical, you might well say that both Trump and Bibi are up to their respective necks in criminal investigations. With a bit of luck, both might end up in prison.

What better way to divert the attention of their subjects than a little war? It is a precept that has been tried out since the beginning of the world, and it almost never fails. Who will worry about trifles like Trump’s porno stars or Bibi’s gifts from (American) billionaires, when the lives of our boys are at stake?

The US is still far from war with Iran but we are not. Perhaps we are already in it, without believing it.

These days – or should I say, these nights – our brave boys fly over Syria and bomb Iranian army installations there. Until this minute, the Iranians have not reacted, except for a feeble attempt that was quickly answered by a massive Israeli air strike.

Why are Iranians there in the first place? It is a part of their objective to create an Iranian sphere of influence extending from Iran proper to the Mediterranean Sea. In Iraq, which has a large Shia population, they are already dominant. With the help of Russia, they are now almost dominant in Syria. In Lebanon their close allies, the Shia Hizbollah movement, controls a large part of the country and has just won the elections.


The US does not like this at all. True, Trump has decided to withdraw from the Middle East (costs too much money), but he does not want the void to be filled by Vladimir Putin. Not at all. So he sends his boys back, and tells Israel to make the life of the Iranians in Syria hell.

It is playing with fire (for us). Until now, the Iranians have limited their reaction to our nightly bombing of their forces to the utterance of dire threats and the ineffectual response this week. But for how much longer?

Iran is a wise country. Whatever the bluster of the present regime, it does exercise a lot of restraint. It remembers that quite recently (just about 2500 years ago) it was a world power. It can wait. It does not satisfy Trump’s expectations. After all, how long does the USA exist?

So we bomb. So they react with threats. So Trump is happy.


And the Israeli public?

One may wonder: is there such a thing?

Some local commentators are already asking: have Israeli citizens turned into mere subjects?

Israel is obviously on the path to war. The nightly bombing of Iranian forces is an insult to their national pride. In our region, national pride plays a large role. Our army has told the population in the north of the country to open the air-raid shelters and prepare them for use. Large anti-aircraft forces have been moved to the Syrian frontier.

And the Israelis? They shrug their shoulders. They know that Bibi is a showman of genius. Just now he has held the country and the world in thrall with a superb TV demonstration, in which he revealed a wealth of information about Iran’s nuclear activities. The brave boys and girls of the Mossad stole this trove in Teheran and brought it to Israel, risking their lives.

Wonderful. Except that it turned out that this trove consists of obsolete documents from before the deal, which show what everybody already knew: that Iran wanted to emulate Israel and produce its own nuclear bomb. It was to prevent this that the nuclear deal was initiated in the first place.

But what showmanship! What a stage set! What wonderful (American) English! What perfect coordination with Trump’s decision to scuttle the deal!Can it be that the entire showwas ordered by Trump?

Some Israeli commentators pointed all this out. But there is no real opposition to Bibi in the Knesset, the popular press or on TV.

The vast majority of the people in Israel – and everywhere else – stand at attention when the word “security” is mentioned. OK, Bibi may be a tiny bit corrupt, he may have taken some bribes here and there, but he is our commander-in-chief! He is sending our boys into battle! So hail to the Chief!

Hail Bibi!

{“Israel Repurposes Old Nakba Myths to Justify the Massacre in Gaza” by JONATHAN COOK, in Nazareth}

On Monday and Tuesday, Palestinians commemorate the anniversary of the Nakba, or catastrophe, their mass expulsion and dispossession 70 years ago as the new state of Israel was built on the ruins of their homeland. As a result, most Palestinians were turned into refugees, denied by Israel the right to return to their homes.

Tens of thousands turned out on Monday in the occupied territories to protest against seven decades of Israel’s refusal to make amends or end its oppressive rule.

The move on Monday of the US embassy to Jerusalem, a city under belligerent occupation, has only inflamed Palestinian grievances – and a sense that the West is still conspiring in their dispossession.

The focus of the protests is Gaza, where unarmed Palestinians have been massing every Friday since late March at the perimeter fence that encages two million of them. For their troubles, they have faced a hail of live ammunition, rubber bullets and clouds of tear gas. Dozens had been killed and many hundreds more maimed, including children.

Early reports on Monday suggested that Gaza’s demonstrators were being massacred by the Israeli army. Amnesty International called the events a “horror show”.

But for more than a month, Israel has been working to manage western perceptions of the protests – and its response – in ways designed to discredit the outpouring of anger from Palestinians. In a message all too readily accepted by some western audiences, Israel has presented the protests as a “security threat”.

Israeli officials have even argued before the country’s high court that the protesters lack any rights – that army snipers are entitled to shoot them, even if facing no danger – because Israel is supposedly in a “state of war” with Gaza, defending itself.

On Sunday night the Israeli air force dropped leaflets across Gaza warning Palestinians not to go near fence. “The Israel Defense Forces is determined to defend Israel’s citizens and sovereignty against Hamas’ attempts at terrorism under cover of violent riots,” the leaflets said. “Don’t get near the fence and don’t take part in Hamas’ show, which endangers you.”

Many Americans and Europeans, worried about an influx of “economic migrants” flooding into their own countries, readily sympathise with Israel’s concerns – and its actions.

Until now, the vast majority of Gaza’s protesters have been peaceful and made no attempt to break through the fence.

But Israel claims that Hamas has exploited this week’s protests in Gaza to encourage Palestinians to storm the fence. The implication is that the protesters have been trying to cross a “border” and “enter” Israel illegally.

The truth is rather different. There is no border because there is no Palestinian state. Israel has made sure of that. Palestinians live under occupation, with Israel controlling every aspect of their lives. In Gaza, even the air and sea are Israel’s domain.

Meanwhile, the right of Palestinian refugees to return to their former lands – now in Israel – is recognised in United Nations Resolutions.

Nonetheless, Israel has been crafting a dishonest counter-narrative ever since the Nakba, myths that historians scouring the archives have slowly exploded.

One claim – that Arab leaders told the 750,000 Palestinian refugees to flee in 1948 – was in fact invented by Israel’s founding father, David Ben Gurion. He hoped it would deflect US pressure on Israel to honour its obligations to allow the refugees back.

Even had the refugees chosen to leave during the heat of battle, rather than wait to be expelled, it would not have justified denying them a right to return when the fighting finished. It was that refusal that transformed flight into ethnic cleansing.

In another myth unsupported by the records, Ben Gurion is said to have appealed to the refugees to come back.

In truth, Israel defined Palestinians who tried to return to their lands as “infiltrators”. That entitled Israeli security officials to shoot them on sight – in what was effectively execution as a deterrence policy.

Nothing much has changed seven decades on. A majority of Gaza’s population today are descended from refugees driven into the enclave in 1948. They have been penned up like cattle ever since. That is why the Palestinians’ current protests take place under the banner of the March of Return.

For decades, Israel has not only denied Palestinians the prospect of a minimal state. It has carved the Palestinian territories into a series of ghettos – and in the case of Gaza, blockaded it for 12 years, choking it into a humanitarian catastrophe.

Despite this, Israel wants the world to view Gaza as an embryonic Palestinian state, supposedly liberated from occupation in 2005 when it pulled out several thousand Jewish settlers.

Again, this narrative has been crafted only to deceive. Hamas has never been allowed to rule Gaza, any more than Mahmoud Abbas’s Palestinian Authority governs the West Bank.

But echoing the events of the Nakba, Israel has cast the protesters as “infiltrators”, a narrative that has left most observers strangely indifferent to the fate of Palestinian youth demonstrating for their freedom.

Once again, the executions of recent weeks, supposedly carried out by the Israeli army in self-defence, are intended to dissuade Palestinians from demanding their rights.

Israel is not defending its borders but the walls of cages it has built to safeguard the continuing theft of Palestinian land and preserve Jewish privilege.

In the West Bank, the prison contracts by the day as Jewish settlers and the Israeli army steal more land. In Gaza’s case, the prison cannot be shrunk any smaller.

For many years, world heads of state have castigated Palestinians for using violence and lambasted Hamas for firing rockets out of Gaza.

But now that young Palestinians prefer to take up mass civil disobedience, their plight is barely attracting attention, let alone sympathy. Instead, they are criticised for “breaching the border” and threatening Israel’s security.

The only legitimate struggle for Palestinians, it seems, is keeping quiet, allowing their lands to be plundered and their children to be starved.

Western leaders and the public betrayed the Palestinians in 1948. There is no sign, 70 years on, that the West is about to change its ways.

You've been watching AWARE ON THE AIR, presented by members and friends of AWARE, the Anti-War Anti-Racism Effort of Champaign-Urbana, a local peace group - in the 20th week of 2018 [May 8] - another week in which the world can see that the most extensive global terrorism is US world-wide war-making.

We’ll conclude with (two) videos:
~ <https://therealnews.com/…/ray-mcgovern-gina-haspel-supervis… <https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Ftherealnews.com%2Fstories%2Fray-mcgovern-gina-haspel-supervised-nazi-era-interrogation-techniques-pt-1-2&h=ATOSDrPLHZAc7u-wUMxiy6uCGnjib_L6Zd3ly6u0qgoMtIOAuqkYGR4vhbC9vasopQMMRKXLjVf8vq6sJc7UzHFElBJKwLOeJC5Fgr6UDMX2-WptpUL7f60GeiOggwIFqsaWIjuSJjWjf1n8ihZysLbf>> [12:34]
~ <https://therealnews.com/…/ray-mcgovern-senate-intelligence-… <https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Ftherealnews.com%2Fstories%2Fray-mcgovern-senate-intelligence-committee-is-an-overlook-cmte-not-oversight-cmte-pt-2-2&h=ATOhU4OvVcjvKqZ3P7Ke3lVScLnY7LtGgwhWvOOtHeEe1PaxV4dixCpMVCwYH7Gv7si1Q-vNSLgNA2qFlj2iRjnlZUqvqTHU9JjpvE1Tba5CGUEG81r1kkTGgcZtyGVoOMoRMsAyW0L4YCjhq9_RWjGZ>> [13:00]

~ My thanks tonight to Dr.Know/J. B. Nicholson, for research. See Know’s Notes on the Fb page for AOTA <https://www.facebook.com/groups/305897426305/ <https://www.facebook.com/groups/305897426305/?ref=gs&fref=gs&dti=305897426305&hc_location=group>>, along with articles referred to tonight.

~ Our show is produced and directed by Jason Liggett & Ethan Young, thanks to whom also this program & others like it will be available on YouTube and <archive.org <https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Farchive.org%2F&h=ATOpGzXDVNdiItODaPbEQEo5bS06JYgTHvKyAIUboW8iqzGDLjn5YGsFIPRR9NbsivXidETSePDzR8lN3WRbFmT6nk_dSKesVJwDcnXGxgAuPGgXwf5yarXxCaz2kxFnDC7lvRGnbr-KD1qUQeS1vuEV>>

~ AWARE meeting this coming Sunday, 5-6Pm - at Hammerhead Coffee - University Avenue at Wright Street on the edge of campus.

~ Finally, AWARE honors those who reveal the crimes of the US government - which the rest of the world knows about, but Americans don't - Manning, Assange, Snowden, and others - who truth-tellers persecuted by the US government.

~ This is Carl Estabrook for members & friends of the anti-war anti-racism effort of Champaign-Urbana - saying in the words of the late Edward Murrow, “Good night - and good luck."


 <https://therealnews.com/stories/ray-mcgovern-gina-haspel-supervised-nazi-era-interrogation-techniques-pt-1-2> <https://www.facebook.com/groups/305897426305/permalink/10156392062871306/#>
Ray McGovern: Gina Haspel Supervised Nazi-Era Interrogation Techniques (Pt. 1/2) <https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Ftherealnews.com%2Fstories%2Fray-mcgovern-gina-haspel-supervised-nazi-era-interrogation-techniques-pt-1-2&h=ATM22fUc8QHAx6IVRO9nf-6FqmCE7-T0Lts2vA-0fjOPvl10EoWUOV7NAqzHFhuEOq02wsw9dsg3ouEu_Dj72q2SGZglJd4cuqznghW9ZwC9Kc-MiuRL__EYtjICdOtkZaoGJb4CuULz2g>
During her Senate confirmation hearings, CIA nominee Gina Haspel evaded questions about her role in using “enhanced interrogation” (torture)…
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