[Peace-discuss] Who votes for peace…

C G Estabrook cgestabrook at gmail.com
Wed Oct 24 01:02:09 UTC 2018

The important thing is not the views (or votes) of individual members, but what the party organizations do. The Russiagate Democrats demand that ‘Putin’s puppet’ be more belligerent vs. Russia (as Obama was); the grudgingly pro-administration Republicans back Trump’s erratic peace overtures (Singapore; Helsinki). 

The Democrat party should not be given control of Congress. Obama’s mendacious belligerence from Ukraine to the S. China Sea should not be repeated.


> On Oct 23, 2018, at 7:47 PM, Brussel, Morton K via Peace-discuss <peace-discuss at lists.chambana.net> wrote:
> Published on
> Tuesday, October 23, 2018
> by
> Common Dreams
> …We invite voters to check out the Peace Voter's Guide to see where your Senators and Representatives stand on critical issues of war and peace.  How much money have your representatives collected from the arms industry in this election cycle? How have they voted on critical bills and amendments for war, peace, weapons and military spending during their time in Congress?
> You can use the Guide to compare your representatives with their colleagues. You can check out the differences between Democrats and Republicans, and see who are the real hawks and doves in each party.
> Figures show that arms companies, including their PACS, have contributed about equally to Democrats and Republicans in the Senate in this election cycle, giving an average of over $180,000 to each Senator. In the House, however, they have given more to Republicans (an average of $46,000 each) than to Democrats ($31,000 each).
> The Senators who are most indebted to the arms industry tend to be high-ranking members of committees key to Pentagon funding. In 2017-18, the senator receiving the most weapons industry contributions, $969,550, was Richard Shelby (R-AL). Shelby chairs the powerful Appropriations Committee, the committee that allocates funding for all federal agencies.
> The number one recipient on the Democratic side, with $675,8287 in contributions, is Jack Reed (D-RI), ranking member at the Armed Services Committee. Other major recipients, all on key committees, are Tim Kaine (D-VA) with $607,850; Dick Durbin (D-IL) with $550,161; James Inhofe (R-OK) with $478,249; Lindsey Graham (R-SC) with $458,893; Mark Warner (D-VA) with $399,928; and Bill Nelson (D-FL) with $391,800.  The arms industry's most favored House Reps are Armed Services Chair Mac Thornberry (R-TX-13), with $402,250; Appropriations Committee member Kay Granger (R-TX-12) with $368,410 and another Appropriations member Peter Visclosky (D-IN-1) with $328,583.
> When it comes to critical votes on war, peace and militarism, the differences between Democrats and Republicans are more stark. In lifetime voting records tabulated by Peace Action, the average House Democrat has a 72% peace voting record, while the average House Republican scores only 10%. In the Senate, the difference is 69% to 14%.
> There are noteworthy outliers, like Rep. Justin Amash (R-MI-3) with an 82% peace voting record and Rep. Pete Aguilar (D-CA-31) at only 18%. In the Senate, Republican Rand Paul (KY) has a better voting record (62%) than Democrat Joe Donnelly of Indiana (16%), although even Rand Paul would be below-average if he was a Democrat.
> And then there are real champions for peace and disarmament in Congress: 16 Democrats and 10 Republicans in the House who have run this year's campaigns with no arms industry cash at all; and progressive leaders who stand up to vote for peace at almost every chance they get, like Barbara Lee (CA-13), with a 99% lifetime peace voting record, Katherine Clark (MA-5) at 98%, Jared Huffman (CA-2), Mark DeSaulnier (CA-11) and Earl Blumenauer (OR-3) at 96%, and Tammy Baldwin of Wisconsin with the highest score in the Senate at 94%.
> At the other end of the scale, there are 22 Members of Congress (all Republicans) with a 0% peace voting record, meaning that they have never once voted as requested by members of Peace Action, CODEPINK and our partners in the U.S. peace community. They are Senator Tom Cotton (AR) and Representatives McSally (AZ-2), Walters (CA-45), Curbelo (FL-26), Carter (GA-1), Allen (GA-12), Bost (IL-12), LaHood (IL-18), Brooks (IN-5), Poliquin (ME-2), Bishop (MI-8), Emmer (MN-6), Stefanik (NY-21), Katko (NY-24), Rouzer (NC-7), Russell (OK-5), Costello (PA-6), Ratcliffe (TX-4), Hurd (TX-23), Brat (VA-7), Comstock (VA-10) and Newhouse (WA-4).  
> https://www.commondreams.org/views/2018/10/23/peacemakers-warmongers-and-fence-sitters-who-represents-you?cd-origin=rss&utm_term=Peacemakers%2C%20Warmongers%20and%20Fence%20Sitters%3A%20Who%20Represents%20You&utm_campaign=The%20%22Hilariously%20Stupid%22%20White%20House%20Attack%20on%20Socialism%20%7C%20News%20%2526%20Views%20&utm_content=email&utm_source=Daily%20Newsletter&utm_medium=Email&cm_mmc=Act-On%20Software-_-email-_-The%20%22Hilariously%20Stupid%22%20White%20House%20Attack%20on%20Socialism%20%7C%20News%20%2526%20Views%20-_-Peacemakers%2C%20Warmongers%20and%20Fence%20Sitters%3A%20Who%20Represents%20You
> Contrary to some arguments some on this peace-discuss list, On th other hand this is not the whole story. 
> —mkb
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