[Peace-discuss] About the "invasion" from Mexico

Szoke, Ron r-szoke at illinois.edu
Tue Oct 30 04:19:50 UTC 2018

From: Stephen Miles <info at winwithoutwar.org<mailto:info at winwithoutwar.org>>
Subject: BREAKING: Sec. Mattis sending 14,000 troops to U.S-Mexico border
Date: October 29, 2018

Mattis is ordering up to 14,000 troops to the southern border. We CANNOT accept this.

[Win Without War]

Ron — America is in dark times. News just broke that Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis is ordering up to 14,000 troops armed with lethal ammunition to the U.S. Mexico border. [1]

Let’s be clear: The United States is not under attack. Donald Trump is creating a crisis out of vulnerable asylum seekers roughly 1,000 miles away from the U.S. border and using our military to seed and stoke fear to score political points.

It’s beyond dangerous — especially after a terrible week of white supremacist violence and hate. We cannot allow the war on migrants to continue. We must act quickly, and we must act now.

Sign now and tell Sec. Mattis to cancel 14,000 troops deploying to the U.S.-Mexico border.<https://act.winwithoutwar.org/act/sec-mattis-cancel-troops-us-mexico-border?source=em20181029&t=1&akid=2838%2E37829%2EzN7cYq>


Trump’s plan to terrorize migrants with military force goes hand in hand with his fear-mongering and rising authoritarianism. His rhetoric is fueling terrifying white supremacist violence: Jewish elders murdered at synagogue. Black elders murdered at a supermarket. Bombs mailed to his political opponents. And instead of denouncing these hateful acts, Trump is stoking more fear and violence against migrants.

But we see through Trump's white supremacy and bigotry in all its forms. Asylum seekers aren’t a threat to the United States. Trump’s hatred and rising authoritarianism are the actual emergency.

The families walking from Central America to the U.S. southern border are survivors of deadly state and domestic violence, climate devastation, and poverty. Migration is a human right. And the southern border should be a place of refuge and hope, not a site of potential violent conflict.

Instead of fulfilling our legal obligation to evaluate their asylum claims, Trump is further militarizing the borderlands, breaking the law that bars servicemembers from domestic enforcement, and threatening to both ban Central American asylum seekers [2] and cut off life-saving assistance to migrants’ countries of origin [3].

Further militarizing the border will do nothing to keep our country safe and will instead further terrorize and harm vulnerable asylum seekers, doubling down on Trump’s violence-first policies. We MUST speak up and prevent Mattis from enabling Trump’s desperate, dangerous fear-mongering.

Demand Sec. Mattis cancel the 14,000 troops deploying to the U.S.-Mexico border NOW!<https://act.winwithoutwar.org/act/sec-mattis-cancel-troops-us-mexico-border?source=em20181029&t=3&akid=2838%2E37829%2EzN7cYq>

Grief is weighing heavy across progressive communities right now, as news of hate crimes stack upon our shoulders and hearts. Win Without War knows that the only way forward from senseless acts of violence and further calls for militarization is uniting across difference for justice and peace. We know that the power and possibility of building a progressive foreign and domestic policy relies on open minds, open hearts and open borders. Let us continue to move forward, together.

Thank you for working for peace,

Stephen, Mariam, Tara, and the Win Without War team


[1] Newsweek<https://act.winwithoutwar.org/go/14563?t=7&akid=2838%2E37829%2EzN7cYq>

[2] Politico<https://act.winwithoutwar.org/go/14565?t=8&akid=2838%2E37829%2EzN7cYq>

[3] Washington Office on Latin America<https://act.winwithoutwar.org/go/14520?t=9&akid=2838%2E37829%2EzN7cYq>


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Win Without War is a project of the Center for International Policy.
1 Thomas Circle NW, Suite 700, Washington, DC 20005
(202) 656-4999 | info at winwithoutwar.org<mailto:info at winwithoutwar.org>

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