[Peace-discuss] More Hotwords

Szoke, Ron r-szoke at illinois.edu
Mon Apr 8 01:43:42 UTC 2019

Hotwords  V040719
A review of some terms currently useful in political analysis & polemics

snollygoster, triumphalism, sorehead  

snollygoster	n. Slang
>  : a shrewd, unprincipled person 

> One, especially a politician, who is guided by personal advantage rather than by consistent, respectable principles.

Origin of snollygoster: Perhaps alteration of snallygaster a mythical beast said to prey on poultry and children perhaps from Pennsylvania Dutch schnelle geeschter Middle High German snēl quick ( from Old High German)Middle High German geist spirit ( from Old High German)

tri·umph·al·ism  (trī-ŭm′fə-lĭz′əm)   n.
>  Disproportionate or unreasonable celebration of the perceived successes and virtues of a given group, religion, or ideology relative to those of others. 
>  excessive celebration of the defeat of one's enemies or opponents

>  1. triumphant spirit or character.
   2. a proud attitude or belief that one's church, political party, etc., is better or truer than all others.

sore·head  (sôr′hĕd′)  n. Slang
>  One who is easily offended, annoyed, or angered.
—  American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language

>  informal chiefly US and Canadian a peevish or disgruntled person
-- Collins English Dictionary

>  a disgruntled or vindictive person, esp. an unsportsmanlike loser.
— Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary,

=>  An appreciative note from one of my fans:  
“Of all of the neo-liberal propaganda garbage I have seen in the last several years, this statement has to be one of the worst !” 
~ Ron
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