[Peace-discuss] Corbyn's alleged anti-semitism

Karen Aram karenaram at hotmail.com
Mon Feb 18 21:41:19 UTC 2019


I find this doubly disturbing, because not only does it diminish Corbyn, but it provides a false narrative in relation to Jewish people,  and their role in banking and commerce, creating discrimination where none may previously have existed.

I always draw a parallel between the Jews of Europe, and the overseas Chinese of Asia.

The overseas Chinese, when settling throughout SE Asia, being of the merchant class most of the time, encouraged education and opportunities in the professions such as banking, accounting, commerce. Thus, the Chinese, like the Jews of Europe, did and still do hold power when it comes to business and commerce in Asia. It’s what is open to those fleeing their native lands, and their children.

 The Chinese in Indonesia and Malaysia were always easy targets for abuse by those angry, with their governments.

The governments ensured the Chinese became the scapegoats. In Buddhist Thailand it wasn’t an issue due to intermarriage with indigenous Thai’s over the century’s, thus the Chinese always felt safe there.  Though they keep their Chinese identity, somewhat hidden among themselves.

In “98” Malaysia escaped the purge of Chinese, unfortunately Indonesian’s did not, many were murdered with their homes and businesses destroyed. Those who are the ruling elites as always, escaped with their funds intact.

With Chinagate now replacing russiagate, and cries of anti-semitism labeling Jews in Europe as the hated and mistrusted bankers crushing the people, we have much to fear in the future.

On Feb 18, 2019, at 09:23, David Green <davidgreen50 at gmail.com<mailto:davidgreen50 at gmail.com>> wrote:


This article from last March actually explains the infamous mural, referred to in today's story regarding a few MP's leaving Labor.

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