[Peace-discuss] Fads & Evasions

Szoke, Ron r-szoke at illinois.edu
Sat Feb 23 21:20:29 UTC 2019

A Few Recent Verbal Fads & Common Evasions:  [V.022319] 
	WHAT ABOUT that similar awful/horrible/atrocious thing once said/done by someone on YOUR side (possibly months/decades/generations/centuries ago) ?  
	Double standard!
	That’s old/fake news.
	You’re biased.
	You’re being disingenuous. 
	You’re asking the wrong question.
	I’m not interested in that.
	It depends on what you mean by X.  (Everything always does.)  
	Not necessarily!  (Mere contingent truth is not good enough for me.)
	Maybe this & maybe that & maybe something else…  Who can say?  (Are YOU so perfect?  Do you know EVERYTHING?)
	Who is paying you/them to say stuff like that?  (Follow the money!)  
	The SAME PEOPLE who once said P are now saying not-P (or something that implies it). ( ? Some names, please)  
	Why are we hearing about that just NOW?  (Highly suspicious, suggesting nefarious intent.)  
	Changing the subject by inserting Red Herrings (false issues, Whatabouts).  (The staple of Kellyanne Conway diversions.)  
		[Esp. currently hot “wedge issues” such as Political Correctness (racism, “white privilege”), abortion, feminism, Israel/BDS/anti-Semitism] 
	Thinking by association, not by (warranted) inference:
		If you mention A, then immediately mention B, some people will infer that A was the CAUSE of B, or that they are somehow linked, related, or “bound up together”  
		— the classic “Post hoc” fallacy:  “After this, therefore because of this.” 
		[“God” — meaning the morning prayer — was kicked out of the schools!  And just look at all the problems we have had since, with discipline, fights, guns. pregnancies, etc.! ] 

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