[Peace-discuss] NFN yesterday 3/9/19

Karen Aram karenaram at hotmail.com
Sat Mar 9 16:23:08 UTC 2019


Good program, covering several important issues.

 Statements related to racism and hate are right on point, how does the USG ourlaw our hate, do they implement love into our hearts and minds to replace the hate? As long as we have a capitalist system, I doubt it.

 You know my views on Tulsi Gabbard, they comply with JB Nicholson.

I see Tulsi as not really anti-war. I'm glad she is speaking out against war, but her language is cloaked in subliminal messages, that supports everything but sending US troops to war. I suspect given she was a Bernie supporter previously, now herself running for President, will be Bernie's running mate. This won't push Bernie closer to being anti-war, it will simply sheep herd more on the left into the Democratic Party, who as we well know will never stop our war policies any more than the Republican Party. Foreign Policy continues unabated no matter who is in the White House, given our system of capitalism, or “for profit. “

US hypocrisy is beyond contempt given the suppression of information and imprisonment and harrassment of whistleblowers such as Chelsea Manning and Julian Assange.

American Empire decline? A mere “germ of truth"? I’d say it’s a little more than just a germ of truth.

Good comments related to Italy. Less than a week ago, I posted a comment on FB asking how long before the US decides Italy requires intervention, due to their support for the Yellow Vests, desire to leave the EU due to austerity programs being imposed, and now their support for the BRI/Silk Road.

If we don’t focus on “class’’ eradicating our system of capitalism, there isn’t much hope of truly addressing the issues of gender or race.

Please cc me on your list of articles on the Peace Discuss List?

PS Usually those who buy company’s buy company’s in trouble, getting them cheap. Nothing heroic about that.

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