[Peace-discuss] Israeli influence…

Morton K. Brussel mkb3 at icloud.com
Tue Mar 19 04:17:33 UTC 2019

This statement resonated with me… I italicize it below;

Every one of my allegations of influence is an interpretation based on facts: I’m connecting dots. Others may well connect the dots differently (and leftwingers will say that Israel reflects U.S. global interests). I’d argue that the sum and substance of this record is that the Israel lobby is essentially the foreign ministry of Israel in the capital of the most powerful country in the world and it exists, as it has stated itself, to make sure that there is no daylight between the US government and Israel. And if you think that has ever meant changing Israeli policy, I have a bridge to sell you.

It means shifting U.S. policy.

From. https://mondoweiss.net/2019/03/accept-criticize-israel/
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