[Peace-discuss] Endless war

C G Estabrook cgestabrook at gmail.com
Fri Oct 11 01:46:12 UTC 2019

Q. Why is the U.S. political establishment so hysterically trying to get rid of Trump?
A. They fear that he may end the endless war - in which the U.S. has killed more than 20 million people since World War II.

The economic hegemony of the American one-percent depends on war - spending for preparation for war, and war provocations to trammel up potential economic rivals, notably China & Russia.
Obama inherited two shameful wars from the Bush administration (in Afghanistan and Iraq): he increased the number to eight (attacking Libya, Pakistan, the Philippines, Somalia, Syria, and Yemen as well - notably with drone assassinations) and became the first U.S. president ever to be at war throughout two terms. Not even presidents Roosevelt (WWII), Wilson (WWI), or Lincoln (Civil War) did that.

Obama bequeathed those wars to Trump, but now the U.S. political establishment fear that Trump cannot be relied upon to continue that war policy. They are determined to see that he does so, or is replaced by someone who will.


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