[Peace-discuss] Notes

J.B. Nicholson jbn at forestfield.org
Fri Oct 11 02:49:51 UTC 2019

I wrote:
> DeGeneres consistently responded to misstatements never once fairly 
> describing why people found her choices so objectionable. Her cognitive 
> dissonance was palpable but this way she could claim that she didn't
> ignore the issue and simultaneously avoid getting into why people were 
> disappointed in her or using her as an example of how class politics
> trumps identity politics (as she said, she's gay but as she doesn't talk
> about much, she's a multi-millionaire).
A followup on Ellen DeGeneres:

-- DeGeneres is now issuing copyright-based takedown requests to copies of 
a satirical video where one sees her on-show explanation her relationship 
with G.W. Bush with newly inserted background pictures of the consequences 
of his torture regime and wars (see 
https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EGc0EiPWkAUW4jw.jpg for a frame of this, or see 
the attached).

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SbhgEQv5KwU has the video for now.

Bogus copyright claims have become the refuge of Ellen DeGeneres a 
multi-millionaire, thin-skinned, nervous member of the elite who exhibited 
her values: class consciousness. The benefit of this story is it's a chance 
to raise people's awareness of what happens in war and torture (the main 
things G.W. Bush's term in office is known for), which 
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SbhgEQv5KwU does a good job of illustrating.

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