[Peace-discuss] Gabbard

C G Estabrook cgestabrook at gmail.com
Wed Oct 16 03:57:47 UTC 2019

From <info at tulsi2020.com>:

If you didn't watch the presidential debate, you missed Tulsi take the CNN/NYT corporate media hosts — and the American war machine they prop up — to task for their despicable hypocrisy and the shared blood on their hands.

Let’s look at the past 48 hours:

	• Two days ago, The New York Times called Tulsi an Assad apologist and a Russian asset, and smeared all of us in our movement as white nationalists and Russian bots
	• Today, CNN aired commentary claiming there is “no question” that Tulsi is a “puppet for the Russian government” — daring to question her patriotism and loyalty to the country she deployed twice to protect and defend.
	• Tonight, the mainstream media and establishment candidates on the stage have as much blood on their hands as President Trump for their role in championing and cheerleading the ongoing costly regime change war that we’ve been carrying out both overtly and covertly since 2011. The casualties of this war are both the Kurds who have been left exposed to Turkey’s invasion after we refused to let them negotiate with the Syrian government for protection, and the Syrian people who are suffering under the strengthening of ISIS and al-Qaeda who we have used as ground troops in Syria and the modern-day siege in the form of sanctions being waged against the people of Syria.

CNN and the New York Times owe us an apology. To my sister who put her life on the line with two deployments to the Middle East. To our veterans and her brothers and sisters in arms and our families who made great sacrifices to defend and protect our freedoms — to fight for their freedom of the press.

They owe an apology to ALL OF US who pay the steep price of costly regime change wars, the new Cold War and nuclear arms race. Tulsi is being smeared and maligned for daring to speak out against the establishment war machine, for being brave enough to fight for peace. Let’s call these smears out for what they really are: A blatant attempt to silence dissent. To stifle democracy.

In solidarity,
Vrindavan (Tulsi’s little sister)

PO Box 75255 
Kapolei HI 96707


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