[Peace-discuss] [Peace] Interesting and important interviews & comments from Jimmy Dore: interviews with Dylan Ratigan & Jane McAlevey, and analyzing Noam Chomsky's electoral advice & AOC's rebuttal

David Johnson davidjohnson1451 at comcast.net
Wed Apr 22 13:31:00 UTC 2020


Thanks for composing these news digests. They are very helpful references.

David J.

-----Original Message-----
From: Peace [mailto:peace-bounces at lists.chambana.net] On Behalf Of J.B. Nicholson via Peace
Sent: Tuesday, April 21, 2020 7:51 PM
To: Peace Discuss; Peace
Subject: [Peace] Interesting and important interviews & comments from Jimmy Dore: interviews with Dylan Ratigan & Jane McAlevey, and analyzing Noam Chomsky's electoral advice & AOC's rebuttal

Jimmy Dore is still giving us the interviews you're not likely to catch elsewhere. On 
today's live show he spoke with author Jane McAlevey author of "A Collective Bargain: 
Unions, Organizing, and the Fight for Democracy".


McAlevey provides specific actionable advice on how to form a union, which unions are 
most likely to be amenable to work with you (nurses & teachers' unions), and she 
clearly calls for strikes among the workers we now see are indispensable (among them: 
grocery store clerks & delivery drivers not Wall St. traders despite what the 
establishment media tells you). My main objection is McAlevey's fleeting references 
to the sex of the amenable workers and Trump Derangement Syndrome[2]. But fortunately 
Dore is neither put off by it nor mired in that side issue in the interview.

McAlevey, in response to what union busters aim to accomplish, quoted a union buster 
which I found referenced below:


> Over the years, employers have developed an exquisite arsenal against union
> organizing. For a succinct description of how the war is waged, Soltas needs to
> examine “Confessions of a Union Buster,”[1] the heartfelt memoir Martin Jay Levitt
> published in 1993.
> “I come from a very dirty business,” Levitt told a carpenters union audience
> (after his conversion). As he described it, “the enemy was the collective spirit.
> I got hold of that spirit while it was still a seedling; I poisoned it, choked it,
> bludgeoned it if I had to, anything to be sure it would never blossom into a
> united work force, the dreaded foe of any corporate tyrant."
[1] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a-0gxca-VxM

[2] Dore is much more pointed in his criticism of 'any blue will do' (a slogan 
advocating that one should support any Democrat no matter who they are, what their 
history is, or what they say they'll support/oppose) in his take on Noam Chomsky's 
endorsement of Joe Biden. You can also find Chomsky's advice to vote for Biden on 
recent episodes of Democracy Now and in an interview with Medhi Hasan (which is what 
Dore focuses on).

And Dore & co. are still some the very few commentators with a proper sense of 
priority on how much the Democrats are not working for you. The so-called 
"progressive" Democrats -- Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez/AOC, Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, 
and the rest of "the squad", as well as Bernie Sanders, and Elizabeth Warren have all 
been described as progressive -- are all useless to you because of how all but a 
handful of Congresspeople voted for the CARES Act (everyone voting in the Senate went 
along with it and those few objectors in the House sounded like they were all men, 
judging by the voice vote given).

Despite that, AOC continues to lecture and gaslight us about our collective needs and 
not clearly and plainly say that she voted against CARES (because she actually voted 
for CARES and she knows it), didn't put in any effort to call for a recorded vote 
(and for a lame reason[3] that is no excuse to not call for a recorded vote), and 
didn't challenge her leadership on a recorded vote or the bill. The Democrats are 
fully behind our collective immiseration. See 
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-lwiP6JT3mQ for Dore's response and this is filled 
with questions the establishment-friendly media aren't asking. For all of her 
time-consuming bluster, AOC has not demonstrated the spine to appear on Jimmy Dore's 
show despite having an open invitation to appear so he can put these questions 
directly to her.

See Dore's interview with Dylan Ratigan in 
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l1oERncbzPY on how anyone living on a stock-based 
retirement plan or pension is in fiscal trouble too.

[3] Rep. Barbara Lee stood out as the sole House vote against the authorization to 
grant the 2003 US-led invasion of Iraq. She lost that fight. But she can forever turn 
to her constituents and argue that she made the correct call when it counted. AOC 
can't do that. We've heard the voice vote (which sounded like a small group of all 
men) and AOC has been cagey about describing her own choices (she never clearly said 
she voted against CARES, won't given Rep. Thomas Massey credit where credit is due 
for objecting to the point where the House had to have a voice vote, and erroneously 
claims that it would have "needlessly endanger[ed] folks" to have objected without 43 
other Reps. joining her). These are reasons for her constituents to vote AOC out.
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