[Peace] Rally Wed 3 Oct: Civil Liberties

R. Braun braun at cyberspace.org
Tue Oct 2 12:13:31 CDT 2001

I spotted this on uiuc.general; don't know if it's been posted here.
Summary: ongoing rallying/flyering, Wed 3 Oct 2001 9am-3pm on Quad,
in protest of rights-eroding anti-terrorist & anti-encryption legislation.

: Newsgroups: uiuc.cs.general, uiuc.general, uiuc.org.notnet, uiuc.org.libertarians, uiuc.test, uiuc.org.acm
: From: "Philip D. Lowman" <lowman at spam_sucks.uiuc.edu>
: Subject: Defend your Rights.  Rally Wednesday on the Quad
: Date: Sun, 30 Sep 2001 09:22:55 GMT
: There is a rally staged for this Wednesday to protest the following
: legislation and to inform the public about it.  The rally is sponsored
: by College Libertarians, the ACLU, and !NET.  ACLU press release is
: forthcoming.
: The rally is centered around all of the legislation described in the
: bulletin including the Anti Terrorism Act, as well as the draft
: Anti-Encryption bill.  Any legislation that is being prepared that does
: not aid in combating terrorism and actually infringes upon our rights
: should not be passed.
: Some examples of what pending legislation could do to our rights is
: listed here:
: * Confiscate the assets of any foreign person, country, or organization
: merely accused of being linked to terrorist activity
: * Obtain student records from colleges and universities.
: * Acquire credit card, phone call, computer use, and bank transaction
: records.
: * Make simple computer crimes committed by online pranksters "terrorist
: offenses" punishable with life terms in prison.
: * Expand police wiretap authority.
: * Install the "Carnivore" e-mail eavesdropping program for a limited
: time without a court order.
: * Lock up foreigners deemed to be "terrorist suspects" for 48 hours --
: then deport them without presenting any evidence of wrongdoing.
: * An Anti-Terrorism bill could provide a government mandated back door
: in all encryption developed in the United States.  This would not hinder
: terrorists who would simply use foreign or freely developed encryption
: products.  Not to mention, what could happen if terrorists cracked the
: standard back door built into all systems in this country that depend on
: encryption.
: We plan on rallying/handing out flyers on Wednesday October 3rd from 9am
: - 3pm. Obviously no one is going to be there the entire day so we are
: counting on concerned people to show up and help out.  If you can show
: up for a half an hour between classes and hand out flyers and just be
: seen that would be awesome.  At this time there are no plans to picket
: although this may change depending on how much support there is.
: There will be an organizational meeting at 7:00pm on Tuesday night in
: the Union.  We will meet in the room with the couches that overlook the
: quad. (between Delights and the ATM's)
: Thank you for your time.  May all of us try our hardest to keep this
: country true to the principles upon which it was founded and to defend
: the Constitution of the United States.
: Please visit the following websites for more information.  The ACLU
: website has an easy webform which will FAX your congressman and senators
: about these issues.
: http://www.aclu.org/action/liberty107.html
: http://www.eff.org/alerts/20010927_eff_wiretap_alert.html
: http://www.lp.org/press/archive.php?function=view&record=534
: --
: Philip Lowman <lowman at no-spam-here.uiuc.edu>
: "Those who would give up essential liberties for temporary security,
: deserve neither liberty nor security."
: -- Benjamin Franklin

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