[Peace] Protest on Prospect

parenti susan rose sparenti at ux1.cso.uiuc.edu
Fri Apr 12 21:12:55 CDT 2002

Hello, friends!

Let's assemble on Prospect tomorrow, from 12:30--1:30 pm, and hold banners
alerting people, either to our(US) role in the Israeli massacre of
Palestinians, or to the War on Terrorism's breadth and breath(bad). Or to
other life-threatening events.

We meet at the Prospect overpass, where the exit from !-74 intersects with
Prospect. If you need a ride, come to the School for Designing a Society
at 12:15.

I've been traveling(a luxury),being part of an experimental school(with an
emphasis on anti-racism work)in Durham, North Carolina, and then on to a
very large conference, The Council on World Affairs, at the University of
Boulder. Right now I get to take care of my mom in Chicago, another kind
of luxury.

So I can't be there tomorrow. I'm hoping Mark Enslin will be at the school
with the van, to take people who want to protest.

Does someone want to protest?

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