[Peace] Call now for tax fairness (fwd)

patton paul ppatton at ux1.cso.uiuc.edu
Sat Feb 2 16:48:49 CST 2002

Although this post is off-topic, I suspect many of the members of this
list will be interested in opposing the latest Republican attempt to
repeal the estate tax.

Forwarded by:
Dr. Paul Patton
Beckman Institute  Rm 3027  405 N. Mathews St.
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign  Urbana, Illinois 61801
work phone: (217)-265-0795   fax: (217)-244-5180
home phone: (217)-328-4064
homepage: http://www.staff.uiuc.edu/~ppatton/index.html

"The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious.  It is the
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---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: 1 Feb 2002 17:43:19 -0000
From: "Wes Boyd, MoveOn.Org"
    <moveon-help-398-55226-1sEO21lmDnOtABAOpejXdw at list.moveon.org>
To: Paul Patton <ppatton at uiuc.edu>
Subject: Call now for tax fairness

Dear Friend of MoveOn,

Thank you once again for joining in our "Save Charity" campaign to
preserve the estate tax on the very rich.  The estate tax is now
scheduled for a brief, temporary repeal, which will last only one year.

But Sen. Jon Kyl (R-AZ) has just proposed an amendment to the economic
stimulus bill that would make the repeal of the estate tax permanent.*

Please call your Senators, below, ASAP:

   Senator Richard J. Durbin
   Phone:  202-224-2152
   Fax:    202-228-0400

   Senator Peter G. Fitzgerald
   Phone:  202-224-2854
   Fax:    202-228-1372

Make sure their staffers know you're a constituent.  Then urge them to:

  "Please oppose the Kyl amendment (#2758) to the economic stimulus
   bill or any amendment to permanently repeal the estate tax."

Here are three good reasons to oppose the Kyl amendment:

1.  The amendment has nothing to do with economic stimulus.  In
fact, the Kyl amendment would have no impact until 2011 - several
years past the point when most economists have predicted the
economy will have recovered.

2.  The cost of the proposal is huge, adding even more to a looming
deficit and increasing the likelihood that no economic stimulus
package will be passed.

3.  The estate tax is a useful tax that helps to provide federal and
state revenues for needed programs and services, reduce concentrations
of wealth, and encourage charitable giving.  The tax has been a core
component of our federal tax system for nearly 100 years.

The Kyl amendment could come to the Senate floor in the next few days,
as the Senate reconvenes on Monday, Feb. 4.  Please make your calls

Thanks for your help.


- Wes Boyd
  February 1, 2002

* Here are some details:

As part of the overall Bush tax cuts enacted last summer, the estate
tax was slowly phased out over a ten-year period, expiring in 2010.
However, because of cost considerations the entire tax cut law
*sunsets* in 2011.  That means that the estate tax, which will be
repealed for one year in 2010, will be reinstated in 2011.  Kyl and
other opponents of the estate tax have vowed to make the repeal of
the tax permanent.  This is likely to be their first shot across the
bow - and must be taken seriously.
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