[Peace] URGENT: Free call for reform NOW (fwd)

patton paul ppatton at ux1.cso.uiuc.edu
Tue Feb 12 14:17:02 CST 2002

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Dr. Paul Patton
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"The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious.  It is the
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---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: 11 Feb 2002 17:57:16 -0000
From: Wes Boyd
    <moveon-help-428-55226-aWwg5jAU%2F5afT%2FjmwYb8xg at list.moveon.org>
To: Paul Patton <ppatton at uiuc.edu>
Subject: URGENT: Free call for reform NOW

Dear friend of MoveOn,

This is it -- the moment of truth.  The House will vote on Wednesday,
February 13th, on campaign finance reform.  Your help is *crucial*.
To make it easy and inexpensive, we've arranged access to a FREE
1-800 number for you to use.

Please call your Representative, Timothy V. Johnson, NOW, at:

   Representative Timothy V. Johnson
   Toll-free:     800-660-8244 *
   - or if the 800 number is swamped -
   Direct Phone:  202-225-2371
   Direct Fax:    202-226-0791

Make sure the staff knows you're a constituent, and urge your
Representative to:

   "Please vote FOR the Shays-Meehan bill.  Vote AGAINST the Ney bill."

Please let us know you're making this call at:


We'd like to keep a count.

Your call could make all the difference: your Representative is one of
many who are undecided.  The vote will be extremely close.  House
Speaker Dennis Hastert (R-IL-14) has vowed to do everything in his power
to block reform, and he's twisting a lot of arms.  And, of course,
many in Congress are reluctant to change the system that elected them.

The Shays-Meehan bill would ban "Soft Money" -- enormous, unregulated
contributions to political parties, mostly by corporations like Enron,
that make up the single biggest pot of money in our political system.

The Ney bill is a bogus substitute, designed only to draw support away
from the Shays-Meehan bill.  The Ney bill would leave Soft Money intact.

This critical vote is the culmination of years of work by supporters of
campaign finance reform.  It's the best chance we've ever had to get
big money out of our political system and take back our democracy.

It may be the best chance we'll ever have.

Please make your call *now*.  Thank you.


- Wes, Joan, Peter, Carrie, and Eli
  February 11, 2002

PS: For further information, we've posted some resources at:


* We thank the American Association of Retired Persons for making this
  800 number available.
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