[Peace] If you missed her--Kathy Kelly at SDAS tomorrow

parenti susan rose sparenti at ux1.cso.uiuc.edu
Tue Feb 12 22:46:28 CST 2002

Kathy Kelly will be speaking at the School for Designing a Society
tomorrow, Wednesday, Feb. 13, from 1:30--2:30pm.

Kathy has been here in Urbana for a two-day visit, speaking(almost hourly)
at a range of places about the political/social/medical situation in
Iraq as a consequence of US 'sanctions'. She shares with Noam Chomsky an
ability to be articulate, non-defensive, and low-key when speaking about a
muddled, offensive, and explosive situation.

If you've missed her(and if you haven't heard her, you HAVE missed
something), please come to the school(409 N. Race). Take a late lunch
break. Or tell someone else about it.

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