[Peace] AWARE notes 1-27-2002

Peter Miller peterm at shout.net
Sun Jan 27 20:38:15 CST 2002


21 attending

* Mon., Jan. 28, 8 p.m. at Unit One, Allen Hall.  Bill Ayers, "Moving 
Beyond Passivity and Cynicism"
* Wed., Jan. 30, 4 p.m. at 505 E. Armory, Ste. 359.  (Pro-war) Major Ronald 
Marks, USAF, "The Changing Face of Terrorism: Biological and Chemical Threats"
* Wed., Jan. 30, 8 p.m. at Levis Center.  (Anti-war) Law Prof. Francis 
Boyle & 2 others speaking about the war.  AWARE will be tabling.
* Sat., Feb. 2, 8 p.m. at IMC.  Globalization & Africa: Which Side Are We 
On?  (Brand new video.) Benefit for Nigeria IMC.
* Sat., Feb. 9, noon - 4 p.m. at IMC (218 W. Main St., 
Urbana).  Alternative Media Workshop. People from WORT in Madison will be 
in town.
* Sat., Feb. 9, evening at the Bread Company.  AWARE Fundraiser!
* Tues., Feb. 12, 7 p.m. at Illinois Disciples Foundation.  Kathy Kelly of 
Voices in the Wilderness will discuss the sanctions against Iraq and her 
latest trip there (during the last AWARE meeting).
* Sat., Feb. 23, 9 - 6:30 p.m. at Temple Buell Hall. Post "World Conference 
Against Racism" conference.  People who would like to sit on an AWARE panel 
should contact Anita Keller, akeller at uiuc.edu, 328-3695.

Demo Report:
May have taken place worldwide.  Several planned around MLK day.  Hiroshima 
Walk in Bay Area.  Criminal Charges against forest activists were 
dropped!  Portland police are trying to make it illegal to sit on a bench 
if the police don't like you.

Goal Setting:
Big event, beginning Friday March 29 - Sunday March 31.  Idea is to draw 
many people who don't agree with us.  Attendance goal:  500, at least 200 
people who haven't already attended AWARE meetings or events.

Mutual Aid Pact:
Al Kagan and others are working on it.

Candlelight Procession:
Light candles for all of the victims of S11, including those killed in 

Nobody has stepped forward to coordinate it, Peter and Wilhemine have 
different ideas of how it could happen.

Wilhemine's idea:  float candles on the water at Crystal Lake Park.  Draw 
out families & children.  More details, but I didn't get them down.

Peter's idea:  8000 candles.  Do it on March 11 on the quad (instead of Feb 
20).  We'll need a campus/student group to reserve the quad.  Tea candles 
(3/4 in high, 1.5 in diameter) cost $115 for 1000 candles from a restaurant 
supply store.

After some discussion, decided to go ahead with the March 11 vigil on the 
quad and to do the floating candles later in the spring.

Class Ladies Against War: Met with 10 Quakers and had a good 
discussion.  Discussed what it would mean to try to change something, since 
the war is cynical and overwhelming.  Suggested more meetings that are open to

Ladies Against War: More street theatre than usual at Prospect and I-74 
(the gateway to the superstores) on Saturday.  Actors included an anti-war 
superhero, blindfolded figures holding the scales of justice and tied 
together displayed a sign saying, "who knows what's going on, who sees 
what's going on, who cares what's going on?"  A man on stilts manipulated a 
person representing the media.  At one point, a belligerent police officer 
stopped the protesters and threatened to arrest them if they walked on the 
road.  Protesters received wide attention, much more than during the 
previous several months when demonstrators simply held signs.  People were 
gaping, smiling, and honking.  The action succeeded in drawing quite a lot 
of attention.

Writing: Anti-war writer David Green had three articles published this 
week, and Carl Estabrook continues being published in the Octopus.

Speakers' Bureau:  Talk to Jeff Glassman.  If people have

Picketing the Movie "Blackhawk Down": See Susan Parenti

Teach-in is in late brainstorming stage. Next meeting is Feb. 6 at 4:30 at 
707 E. Wash.

Stagnation: Wilhemine reports that it's lessened.

Recruiting Bomb Scientists:
Lawrence Livermore National Labs will be recruiting at UIUC on Feb. 14 at 
the Illini Union.  Barbara Dyskant worked on this for 10 years while living 
in the SF Bay Area.  Contact Barbara if you'd like to help with this.

Israel Divestment Campaign:
Jason Schultz.  CU Unity in Struggle.  Campaign to divest from Israeli 
state.  UC Berkeley and Ann Arbor are both doing it, already.  Petition was 
circulated.  (3500 signatures after ~ 1 month of work).

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