[Peace] Chief poll at Chicagotribune.com

John Wason jwason at prairienet.org
Thu Mar 14 14:59:54 CST 2002

Following up on my own e-mail, maybe it's a losing battle.  I just went back
to the web site listed below.  Now there are 6,755 "yes" votes (75.3%) and
only 2,219 "no" votes (24.7%).  I voted about 60 more times to bring the
"no" percentage up to 25%, but I can't do it all by myself.  Looks like the
"yes" folks may be stuffing the ballot box, too.  :)


>Date: Thu, 14 Mar 2002 05:53:53 -0600
>To: IMC, IMC-print, Greens, Peace, BlackTht
>From: John Wason <jwason at prairienet.org>
>Subject: Chief poll at Chicagotribune.com
>Everybody, here's a link to a poll being conducted by the Chicago Tribune
as to the appropriateness of the Chief as a symbol of the U. of Illinois.  I
don't know if anyone is going to pay any attention to the poll, but I went
and voted "No".
>In fact, I voted about 60 times after noticing that it let me vote more
than once.  When I first voted, 72.2% who voted (1,252 responses) had voted
"yes" to the Chief, while only 27.8% (481 responses) had voted "no".  My 60
votes brought the "no" percentage up to 30.2%, and the "yes" percentage down
(obviously) to 69.8%.
>But then I got tired of voting.  And of course the "yes" voters might be
voting more than once, too.  :)  At any rate, y'all might want to go to the
web site and vote, for what it's worth.  And pass on this info to your
associates if you think it's worth passing on.
>Many of you probably know that the University's Board of Trustees is once
again considering the issue, and was advised by the head of yet another
committee that no compromise is possible - it's either keep the Chief or
dump him.  A story about all this accompanies the poll on the Chicago
Tribune web site.  You could also contact a trustee if you feel strongly
enough about the issue.
>>Subject: Fwd: Chief poll at Chicagotribune.com
>>I just wanted to let you know that there is currently a poll regarding Chief
>>Illiniwek at the Chicago Tribune online:
>>I have already voted no to the poll, you may want to pass the info on, so
>>others can show that they are opposed to having Chief Illiniwek as a mascot.

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