[Peace] AWARE Notes 3-17-02

Peter Miller peterm at shout.net
Mon Mar 18 09:16:40 CST 2002

AWARE 3-17-2002

at IMC.  Next meeting (3/24) at IMC, too.

10 attending, David Greene facilitating

Carl's nuz of the week
*Opening thought:  What would it look like to have the corpses of the war 
on terrorism stacked up on the whitehouse lawn?

*EPA enforcement official says Bush underminng clean air act; Bush requests 
$50 billion increase in defense budget.

*WP reports that since S11, US has been taking terrorism suspects to 
countries outside the US that allow torture, keeping US intelligence involved.

*Global Justice actions at EU meeting in Barcelona and in Ecuador.

*Jewish Voices against the Occupation wrote in NYT that US should halt 
defense spending to Israel until occupied territories vacated.  Cease-fire 
called off.

March 16 Anniversaries
1921--Russian Revolution Died when Konestadt Mutiny was put down by 
Bolsheviks, ending the popular phase of the resolution.
1968--My Lai massacre, S. Vietnam.  Colin Powell wrote the government's 
cover-up report stating that 'nothing unusual' happened there.
1988--US ally Saddam Hussein uses poison gas against Kurds in Iraq, with 
approval from US.

Jewish draft resister will be coming to Chicago.  David Greene will try to 
bring him to Urbana.  Contact David if you'd like to help.

Teach-in: April 5-6 (films on 5th, main teach-in on 6th) Things are falling 
into place.  Contact Karin Sychterz or Doug Rokke for info or to help.

Mutual Aid Pact: (Sharon) Stan Levy of ACLU says they will sign the 
pact.  He offered the names of a couple lawyers in Chicago.

PROPAGANDA FILM AIRED AT BEVERLY CINEMAS:  pro-war trailer (preview) was 
played before "A Beautiful Mind".  Sharon confronted manager, threatened to 
sue theatre.  Organize an action against it? Contact Sharon Courvie to do more.

Michael Moore is coming to C-U on April 17 to speak at Foellinger.  New 
book, "Stupid White Men," is atop best-seller lists (see amazon).  Greens 
are co-sponsoring (www.prairienet.org/prairiegreens)

March 11 Candlelight Vigil: It was a big success--about 150 attended, 
despite rain and cold.  Broadcast media covered it well, but News-Gazette 
photo COMPLETELY missed the point--big picture with caption saying that it 
was a memorial for those killed on S11.  WRITE LETTERS TO THE GAZETTE.

Ladies & Laddies:  About 10 went out yesterday, civil environment, 
discussions.  Some charge protesters with disrespecting Americans 
(military, those who lost family in attacks); also got quite a bit of 
support.  Fewer middle fingers.

Students for World Improvement:  Miriam Larson said actions at Urbana High 
are declining a little, with the spring sports season coming up.  Talking 
about publicizing the teach-in.  Miriam views schools as a huge overlooked 
opportunity to teach people.  Harmony week--student council organized some 
discussions, and little discussion about war was heard.  Maybe come to 
AWARE to hook up with other student goups? They have a newspaper.  Don't 
know where to start.

Tax resistance?  Meridith mentioned doing an action at the post office, 
showing people where their tax money goes (www.wrl.org).

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