[Peace] AWARE notes 3-24-02

Peter Miller peterm at shout.net
Mon Mar 25 17:08:17 CST 2002

AWARE  3/24/02
at the IMC

20 attending

Mark Enslin sang us a couple songs:  World War III - XV, The Disapppeared Song.

(Carl Estabrook is performing in Wit at the Station Theatre...)

NEWS of the WAR

History: Oscar Romero was killed by US-sponsored murderers on this day in 1980.

Propaganda week: The Case Against Iraq (why we should nuke 'em). New 
Yorker, Wash Post, Christian Science Monitor ('an Iraqi group with possible 
links to Osama Bin Laden has formed in N. Iraq.')  War on Terrorism is an 
excuse to take military action and establish puppet governments, replacing 
Communism?  Turkey may not be willing to be the Americans' proxy government...

Israel:  big full-page ad supporting Israeli drafT resisters in today's NYT 
signed by Cornel West and Michael Lerner (Tikkun editor).  NYT "news" 
article links Arafat to Iran-Bin Laden.

War on Drugs-War on Terror synergy--lead story in today's Chicago Trib 
reported on those criticizing the opportunism.

Other fronts in the WoT, aside from Iraq:  Georgia - US training troops in 
former soviet republic; Colombia/Peru - US officially announced that our 
war there is against the FARC, not against drugs; Phillipines - US troops 
were under fire fighting a small guerilla group.

"The war as lived at home: a community symposium"
Champaign-Urbana Community Forum
Location:  Urbana middle school
6 - 10 p Friday
9:30 a - 6 p Saturday

3 classrooms

* Mailing--Raia is working on getting the labels.
* Poster--Darrin Drda?  Danielle? Ricky will email the info to Susan
* Press release is ready
* Public Service Announcement - Peter will do when Ricky emails him the 
press release
* Phone calling - ???

Publicity meeting at 7:30 Wednesday at IMC

Food:  Were thinking about getting together a couple nights before to cook.

The "film":  Wayne Weiss, director from History Channel (does the Secrets 
of War).  Will show clips of his videos?  (We won't edit his video.)  Will 
comment on video from a professional standpoint, not as an activist.  AWARE 
should invite history department, Ramona Curry (english dept), journalism 
dept, etc.

plane ticket = $330

next teach-in meeting 7pm monday @ IMC

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