[Peace] AWARE Notes 4-28-02

Peter Miller peterm at shout.net
Wed May 1 11:43:30 CDT 2002

I apologize for the lateness...

WARE 4-28-02
at the IMC

15 attending

IMC Newspaper coming out.  Print meetings are moving to Thursdays at 5:30 
p.m. at the IMC.  The next issue will focus on the war on terror ("The 
Awareness Issue") and underlying motivations for it.

Israeli-Palestinian Dialogue - Sharon C. attended it, someone from the 
group is interested in attending an AWARE meeting.  It was a sincere effort 
to try to have dialogue.  We should be sure to welcome them.  Meet at YMCA, 
6 pm Thursdays.  Hope to continue through summer.  Joel Singerman is the 

Israeli appeal for $75K (per donor) for victims of Palestinian 
bombings.  David Greene received such a request.  Disappointed that it 
excludes non-Israeli victims.

Normal, IL Anti-War Group - Raia was contacted by the Peace and Justice 
Coalition, and they're inspired by AWARE's level of activity.  Someone will 
attend an AWARE meeting in the near future.

Letters to the editor about Muslims - 2 people from the mosque have been 
refuting some virulently anti-Islamic letters to the editor.  The 
anti-Islamic letter writer, Gregory Whitlock, was just hired as Parkland's 
full-time religion professor.  Michael Walcher will put the letters on the 
anti-war.com website.  How should we respond?  Make a stink about what he 
said.  Robert will write a letter to the editor explaining what 
happened.  CIMIC is thinking about a response.  Was he hired on the tenure 
track or as an adjunct?

Dr. Raed Tayyab, Speaker at CIMIC - explained the importance of 
Jerusalem.  Very well-attended talk.  Palestinian voices not heard in 
Washington because no lobby comparable to AIPAC.

Wilhemine's Bloody Flag Protest - W carried bloody US and Israeli flags 
into some sidewalk cafes in downtown champaign, and a manager angrily told 
her to get away.  What are her rights?  A sidewalk is a public space, so 
anyone can protest there if they choose.  If problems with police, be sure 
you have someone with you.

Outstanding letter to the editor in Saturday News-Gazette.  Meridith will 
call him/her and let them know about AWARE.

Ladies and laddies was rained out.  Will return next Saturday.


*May Day on the Quad
Wed., May 1
12 - 1 p.m. on UI Quad
7 p.m. Prof. David Roediger talk at 100 Greg Hall, followed by reception at 
The Internationale will be played on the chimes.

* Fair Trade Forum
Wed., May 1, 7-9 p.m. at IDF
Prof. Bill Kelleher and FAIR trade activist Jim Goetsch.

* WAND Interview of ME! (Peter)
Sunday, May 5, noon on TV.

NEWS OF THE WEEK, Carl Estabrook

NYT today has preview of what the week's papers will be discussing, incl. a 
story about those courageous Israeli settlers.  Also, story about US plan 
to take 250,000 US troops to invade Iraq next spring.

Afghanistan - The war in Afghanistan is not over.  Warlord structure that 
US supported before 2001 has re-emerged; newly-appointed leader is asking 
for more troops.  Similar to Vietnam?  Defense Secy Rumsfeld warns of a 
long-war against 'the evil of mass murderers', including regrouping Al Qaida.

Support for War on Terror is declining, dissent in Bush 
administration.  Senior advisor resigned last week, much spin to downplay 
the resignation.

Israel - Refuses to allow UN factfinders into occupied territories.  Saudis 
pressured Bush to pressure Sharon to stop killing Palestinians.  Sharon 
announced he'd never pull out of any settlements.

Venezuela - Labor Hour interview last week about US labor 
involvement.  National Endowment for Democracy supported the overthrow.

Abolition of Immigration and Naturalization Service - House voted 
overwhelmingly to abolish INS, White House initially opposed, then 
supported the move.  What does this mean?  Like re-naming the 
terrorist-training School of the Americas?  Laundering crime?

Meridith reported on the trip.  13 from C-U went.  Spoke with aides to 
congresspeople.  Spoke with Rachel Lehman from Tim Johnson's office.  Cato, 
DoD, DoAg were her sources for supporting aerial fumigation of coca in 
colombia.  Supports free trade.  Durbin also lobbied.   Did some reporting 
for Pacifica.  Nation of Islam had a high-profile march equating Sharon 
with Hitler.  Press downplayed the protests (Wash Times showed pic of 
protester with sign saying, "Hi, Mom!").

Monday direct action - tried to disrupt traffic.  Overwhelming police 
presence didn't prevent disruption.  No estimate of cost for the cops, yet.


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