[Peace] Farmer's Market

Charlotte Green chgreen48 at yahoo.com
Mon Oct 21 11:05:21 CDT 2002

Could anyone help at the AWARE table at the Farmer's
Market this Sat., Oct. 26 from 10 AM-noon?  This
involves talking to people who stop by the table,
encouraging them to write letters to elected
representatives or letters to the editor, passing out
AWARE literature and announcements for upcoming
events, such as the protest presence on Prospect this
Sat. afternoon, and collecting contributions.  It's a
good way to have genuine conversations with folks and
hopefully get them more involved.  It's actually kind
of fun!  Miriam was kind enough to play her flute last
Sat. for us, which was great!  Two people have
volunteered for the 8-10 AM slot and will have the
table set up.  Whoever works the 10-noon slot will
need to make arrangements to return the table to Jeff
Sowers (jeffsowers at swissinfo.org) and the literature
to the IMC.
Thanks, Charlotte 

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