[Peace] sign making for 4th of July parade

Charlotte Green chgreen48 at yahoo.com
Tue Jun 24 17:38:42 CDT 2003

We will make signs for the 4th of July parade this
Thursday, July 26 at 7 PM at Charlotte Green's and
Gabe Stanton's house.  The address is 4109 E. Oaks
Road, Urbana, which is several miles northeast of

The 4th of July parade will be a great opportunity to
educate the public about the impact of militarism on
education.  If you can't come to the sign making, we'd
appreciate any ideas you have for putting on the

Jeff Sowers is bringing approx. 50 Carl Estabrook yard
signs which we plan to turn wrong side out and convert
into new signs.  He's also bringing some acrylic
paints (which seem to work best on the waxy surface). 
We could use additional acrylic paints if someone has
some.  Most of all we need help!  Please email for
directions if you're interested in coming or call us
at 367-5720.  If you need a ride out here, perhaps I
could facilitate some carpooling.

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