[Peace] Sign-making party

Charlotte Green chgreen48 at yahoo.com
Sat Jun 28 16:36:37 CDT 2003

We will have another sign-making party in preparation
for the 4th of July parade at Charlotte and Gabe's
house, 4109 E. Oaks Road, Urbana on Tues, July 1 at 7
PM.  I believe the theme of the parade is Education,
the Cornerstone of Democracy (correct me, if I'm

We made 11 double-sided, attractive signs last Thurs.,
most of which make the connection between military
spending and education budget cuts.  We have made a
good start, but we need more, more, more signs!    

So come join us if you can.  We have plenty of
supplies, including wood strips to make frames and
holders for the signs.  I'll send directions for
anyone who needs them.

Peace, Charlotte

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