[Peace] P4P 3/22 - The biggest yet?!

jamendoz jamendoz at students.uiuc.edu
Sat Mar 22 06:50:08 CST 2003

P4P folks,
I don't know how to tell any more if this is the discussion list or the 
announcement list. 
We will be out of town and will not be at Prospect today, but will be 
inspired by your courage and commitment.
Others have thought of this but I wanted to reiterate after the past week 
that the presence on "our side" of two or more respectfully-handled US 
flags is a good tactic for a couple of reasons. One, dissent is patriotic. 
Two, when we have "their" symbol, it induces cognitive dissonance in the 
anti-peace folks, who are used to thinking in binaries.

It seemed to me that we saw that at the rally and vigil in Westside park. 
The folks in the white pickup seemed non-plussed to hear "Support Our 
Troops! Bring Them Home!"

Unfortunately, the flag seems to mean more to them than the Constitution 
or international law.

Best regards,

Jean Mendoza

Jean Mendoza
Doctoral Student, Curriculum and Instruction
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
jamendoz at uiuc.edu

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