[Peace] Countdown on Prospect

Ricky Baldwin baldwinricky at yahoo.com
Fri May 16 07:15:00 CDT 2003

Answer: Yes!

Question: Will we be demonstrating on Prospect this
Saturday, May 17, 2-4 pm?

Organized protests on Prospect will continue until we
take a break for the summer at the end of this month
(May 31), so if you are planning to return to Prospect
in the near future... now's the time!

This break is not to discourage anyone from protesting
there, or elsewhere, but only to recognize the facts
of summer vacations and the urgent necessity of
concentrating on educational events to let people know
that the situation in Afghanistan and Iraq is still
appalling, and that more wars for empire will only
bring more misery -- not "liberation"!

AWARE projects that need your time and effort include:
1. Farmers' Market every Saturday
2. July 4th Parade
3. Town meeting/teach-ins for summer and fall 

Please feel free to contact me or another AWARE
organizer if you want to help with any of these projects.

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